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Rep. Burton Applauds Trade Agreement with South Korea

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on December 3, 2010

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                             CONTACT: Joshua Gillespie
December 3, 2010                                                                                      (317) 848-0201

Rep. Burton Applauds Trade Agreement with South Korea

Washington, D.C. - Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following statement in response to the announcement that the United States and the Republic of Korea (South Korea) had concluded a Free Trade Agreement:

“I am pleased that the United States and South Korea have come to terms on this long overdue trade agreement.  South Korea is already the United States seventh largest trading partner, the eighth largest export market and a critical destination for U.S. goods and services exports that support American jobs.  The agreement concluded today is especially important for Hoosiers because it will give critical market access to U.S. auto companies and support good-paying jobs in Indiana. 

“This Free Trade Agreement--which still requires Congressional approval before coming into force--is a natural extension of the strong affinity between our two countries, marked by extraordinary diplomatic, political, military, and economic cooperation. This FTA also reinforces the message to the rogue regime of Kim Jong Il that the United States will stand squarely behind our friends and allies."

Rep. Burton is a senior Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and a Republican Co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Korea


Rep. Burton Expresses Concern over Israel Wildfires

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on December 3, 2010

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                             CONTACT: Joshua Gillespie
December 3, 2010                                                                                      (317) 848-0201

Rep. Burton Expresses Concern over Israel Wildfires

Washington, D.C. - Today, Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following statement as northern Israel continues to fight the worst forest fires in their modern history:

“My heart goes out to the people of Israel as they struggle to contain the massive forest fires that rage across their country.  My heart especially goes out to the families of the 41 people, including the soldiers, who have lost their lives in this horrific blaze, especially as this occurs during Hanukkah.     

“With 13,000 currently displaced from their homes, the assistance from surrounding countries Greece, Cyprus, Russia, Turkey and Italy, is vitally important.  I also applaud President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton’s move to swiftly provide American aid. 

“The people who are suffering because of this devastating fire will continue to be in my prayers.”


Burton Blasts Use of “Political Games” with Phony Tax Cut Vote

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on December 2, 2010

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                             CONTACT: Joshua Gillespie
December 2, 2010                                                                                      (317) 848-0201

Burton Blasts Use of “Political Games” with Phony Tax Cut Vote

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following statement after the passage of the House Democrats tax increase on families and small businesses: 

“Economists on the left and right of the political spectrum have repeatedly said that now is not the time for Washington to be raising taxes on ANYBODY.  Unfortunately, the House Democrat leadership has once again chosen to ignore common sense in pursuit of a hyper partisan agenda.  Today’s vote is not only a disservice to American families and small businesses, who will be crushed by the $3.9 trillion tax increase set to take effect in just 29 days, but an insult to President Obama, who only 48 hours ago offered to sit down with Republicans and Democrats to negotiate a bipartisan tax deal.  Indeed, this purely political vote took place at the exact same time a bipartisan group of Members were meeting to work out a deal.

“With the unemployment rate flirting with double digits, the last thing Congress should be doing is implementing a job killing tax increase on families and small businesses.  What Congress should be doing is stopping the political games and working in a bipartisan way to extend tax cuts for everyone.  This would promote real job growth, empower small business owners and allow more Americans to invest in and grow our economy.”  


Miami County Awarded Economic Development Administration Grant

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on November 24, 2010

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                             CONTACT: Joshua Gillespie
November 24, 2010                                                                                    (317) 848-0201

Miami County Awarded Economic Development Administration Grant

PERU, IN –  The Miami County Economic Development Authority (MCEDA) received big news from the  US Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA) on Wednesday, November 24, 2010.  The EDA announced the approval of a $2.5M Grant as the last piece in a financing package to bring 200 new jobs in aircraft maintenance to the Grissom Aeroplex and the region.  The grant, combined with other local, state and a US Department of Agriculture Loan, will fund renovations and expansion of Hangar 200 at Grissom Aeroplex to close a deal with an aircraft maintenance company looking to expand operations into Miami County, at the former Grissom AFB.   The Hangar at Grissom, which is owned by the County, requires an expansion to accommodate larger wide body aircraft to include the B747-400, B767, B777 aircraft for the company.

The aircraft maintenance company, currently operating in the Southwestern United States, has been in business for 43 years.  The company has provided service for most major airlines in the United States, including United, US Airways, Sky West, American Eagle and Air Canada.  The company is seeking to expand its existing operations to Grissom Aeroplex, where they project 200 new jobs will be created, at an estimated five-year regional economic impact of over $160 million.  The project is pending final lease negotiations.

Upon hearing the news, Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following statement:

“In August, I reached out to the Federal Economic Development Administration to urge them to give every due consideration to the Miami County Economic Development Authority’s application because I understood the importance of this contract for the future of the Grissom Aeroplex.  Winning this grant was absolutely critical for the completion of this deal and I am very pleased that I could help put the final piece of the puzzle in place.  Now Hoosiers hit so hard by the downturn in the economy, have a new opportunity for some good paying jobs.”

Don Cates, Chairman of the Miami County Economic Development Authority, remarked, “This is fantastic news.  In addition to Congressman Burton efforts, the community received non-partisan support and assistance from Senator Lugar, Senator Bayh,  Congressman Donnelly, and Congressman Ellsworth and their staff’s with this project – thank you.  A special thanks to Phil Lehmkuler, State Director of USDA, Robert Sawyer, Director EDA Chicago Regional Office, and Governor Daniels for their leadership and vision in support of this project as well.  It is refreshing when all of us, local, state and Federal officials and agencies work together to improve local, regional and State economies and create jobs.  An aviation project, such as this, has been the vision for the redevelopment of Grissom for a long time by local and regional entities.  This project is an excellent example of how our local and region al economy of North Central Indiana can become more diversified and stable.“

(POC is Jim Tidd, Executive Director Miami Co Economic Development Authority at (765) 689-0159)


If You Go by Plane...

Today, Congressman Dan Burton co-signed a letter with many of his colleagues addressed to the Chairman and the Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security requesting that they conduct an oversight hearing on the new airport screening procedures. 

In recent weeks, Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) new airplane passenger searches have left travelers feeling angered as well as apprehensive about booking their next trip. A number of residents from Indiana’s 5th Congressional District have contacted Representative Burton’s office voicing their aggravation towards TSA.

The scanners, which now stand between passengers and their departing flight use either millimeter waves or low-dose x-rays to perform what have been called “virtual strip searches,” to ensure flyers are not concealing any questionable metallic and non-metallic items beneath their clothes.

By the end of the year, TSA plans to have 500 scanners deployed to airports nationwide.

Another issue brought to Rep. Burton’s attention by his constituents was the demeanor and “lack of human regard” TSA officials have been displaying to passengers. While TSA tries to balance safety and travelers’ right to privacy, media has brought attention to the challenges facing medical patients, the elderly, and children. Most agree that full body scans and pat downs are needed at this time in our history to safeguard Americans who fly, but there is a need to greatly improve TSA’s enhanced search protocol, starting with personnel.

For now, those who are planning to brave airports this holiday season, be prepared for longer lines and increased security. For example, more and more people are trying to travel without having to check-in their luggage which in turn makes screening hundreds of backpacks and near-busting athletic bags that much more difficult.

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