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Capps Applauds Additional Recovery Act Funding To California

Santa Barbara, CA– Today, Rep. Lois Capps (D-Calif) announced that California will be receiving $487 million in additional Recovery Act State Stabilization Funding to preserve education jobs throughout the state in the upcoming fiscal year. Thus far, the Recovery Act has saved 47,000 education jobs in California.

Over $53 billion in Recovery Act funding was set aside for the Department of Education to manage a State Fiscal Stabilization Fund and save education jobs threatened by state budget cuts. California has already received over $10 billion from a number of Department of Education Recovery Act funding programs to preserve education jobs, implement education reforms, improve school technology, fund school construction, and provide financial assistance to college students.

“This Recovery Act funding is essential to keeping teachers in California classrooms. It is critically important to continuing our economic recovery that we preserve the jobs of the teachers who educate our children. This funding, along with $1 billion for California teachers jobs in a jobs bill signed by the President last week, will go a long way towards ensuring that children on the Central and South start the school year off right,” said Capps.

Also, last week Capps voted in favor of a state aid package containing $10 billion for teacher funding of critical importance to California.

For more information, the Department of Education has also issued a press release 


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My Voting Record

12-2 607 H RES 1737 Aye
12-2 606 H RES 1737 Aye
12-2 605 H RES 1313 Aye
12-2 604 H R 4853 Yea
12-2 603 S 3307 Aye

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