CBO’s Health Team

Today’s Wall Street Journal quotes me saying that CBO has between 40 and 50 people working “more than full time” on health reform.  Yesterday’s Politico included me in an article about “Names, Faces to Watch for In Debate Over Care,” and the story referred to “Elmendorf and his team of anonymous analysts.”

Clearly, analyzing health reform proposals is a team effort. Indeed, projecting the behavioral consequences and budgetary impact of a variety of proposals to make major changes in a sector that accounts for one-sixth of the U.S. economy poses an enormous analytical challenge.  CBO is meeting that challenge because of the skill, knowledge, and hard work of our talented staff (and of our colleagues on the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation, with whom we are collaborating in this effort). 

Because CBO believes that its estimating methodology should be as transparent as possible, perhaps our estimating team should be transparent as well.  In that spirit, here are the previously anonymous analysts at CBO who deserve a great deal of credit for their fine work analyzing health reform and related legislative proposals (I realize this list has more than 50 names; that’s because some of these people have other responsibilities beyond health reform):

Christi Anthony
David Auerbach
David Austin
Colin Baker
Elizabeth Bass
Jim Baumgardner
Patrick Bernhardt
Tom Bradley
Paul Burnham
Stephanie Cameron
Sheila Campbell
Jodi Capps
Michael Carpenter
Julia Christensen
Mindy Cohen
Anna Cook
Paul Cullinan
Sunita D’Monte
Noelia Duchovny
Sean Dunbar
Philip Ellis
Pete Fontaine
Carol Frost
Mike Gilmore
Matt Goldberg
Heidi Golding
April Grady
Stuart Hagen
Holly Harvey
Jean Hearne
Janet Holtzblatt
Lori Housman
Paul Jacobs
Sarah Jennings
Daniel Kao
Jamease Kowalczyk
Susan Labovich
Julie Lee
Leo Lex
Joyce Manchester
Kate Massey
Noah Meyerson
Alex Minicozzi
Carl Mueller
Carla Murray
Athiphat Muthitacharoen
Keisuke Nakagawa
Kirstin Nelson
Lyle Nelson
Andrea Noda
Ben Page
Allison Percy
Lisa Ramirez-Branum
Lara Robillard
Matt Schmidt
Kurt Seibert
Sven Sinclair
Julie Somers
Robert Stewart
Julie Topoleski
Bruce Vavrichek
David Weiner
Ellen Werble
Chapin White
Rebecca Yip