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It's Working...

It's Working


Dear Friend,

I wanted to make sure you saw some recent news confirming that the Recovery Act is helping our economy recover and changing America for the better.  According to a recent report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the Recovery Act has boosted real GDP by up to 4.5 percent in the 2nd quarter of 2010, and increased the number of American jobs by as many as 3.3 million. 

Also, I wanted to make sure you saw the recent piece in TIME entitled "How the Stimulus is Changing America." The article outlines how the Recovery Act is aggressively moving our country forward - transforming it for economic growth and stability in the 21st Century.

From TIME:

"...the battle over the Recovery Act's short-term rescue has obscured its more enduring mission: a long-term push to change the country. It was about jobs, sure, but also about fighting oil addiction and global warming, transforming health care and education, and building a competitive 21st century economy...Any of those programs would have been a revolution in its own right…" [8/26/10]

It has been a rough 18 months and we have much more work to do, but we are moving in the right direction.  As always, I welcome your thoughts and comments.  Please stay in touch on my Facebook page and website.



Member of Congress

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