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News Release — Byron Dorgan, Senator for North Dakota


Army Corps of Engineers' Task Force would evaluate flooding risks and help flood-prone areas prepare

Thursday, February 25, 2010

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Facing forecasts of potential widespread spring flood in a number of North Dakota communities, U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) wants the Army Corps of Engineers to establish a task force to address the threat.

The latest predictions from the National Weather Service show a near certainty of major flooding in Abercrombie, Drayton, Fargo, Harwood and Lisbon, and a strong likelihood in much of the rest of eastern North Dakota. Fargo and Valley City specifically show a 20 percent chance of reaching last year’s record crest levels, while Lisbon’s risk of a new record level is a sobering 50 percent.

In a letter to General Michael Walsh, who was in Fargo today at the request of Dorgan, the senator asked the Corps send the task force to the state to conduct an immediate evaluation, and to report back to his Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee by March 12, 2010. Dorgan will also be sending a similar letter to the Northwestern Division of the Corps to ask for a task force to evaluate and report back to me on flooding concerns in Western North Dakota.

“The flood projections for this spring are startling, and I want to make sure the Army Corps of Engineers is prepared to join in the flood fight,” Dorgan said. “Assistance from the Army Corps was incredibly beneficial during last year’s flood fights, and I hope they will contribute their assistance and expertise again this year to prepare for more potential flooding”

Dorgan also requested the Army Corps prepare for flood season by acquiring flood fighting equipment and creating a timeline on how emergency procedures with the Corps of Engineers will be activated.