Pence Denounces EPA Decision to Regulate Carbon Dioxide

Pence Denounces EPA Decision to Regulate Carbon Dioxide

“If the Democrat Congress can’t kill jobs by passing a national energy tax, then the Obama Environmental Protection Agency will.”

DECEMBER 7, 2009

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference and the American Energy Solutions Group, issued the following statement today after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it was finalizing an endangerment finding that would allow the administration to regulate the emission of carbon dioxide:

"If the Democrat Congress can't kill jobs by passing a national energy tax, then the Obama Environmental Protection Agency will. This is nothing more than an attempt by the administration to build international support for a binding political agreement in Copenhagen. It seems liberal Democrats will stop at nothing to overcome the strong objections of the American people to a cap and tax system.

"Last month alone an estimated 11,000 jobs were lost. Today's decision will kill even more jobs at a time when more than 15 million workers are unemployed. The American people should have their voices heard in this monumental decision. The president should listen to the American people and reverse this misguided decision, and allow Congress to work its will on this important issue."


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