• Illegals Are Breaking the Bank
    Dec 2, 2010  - Unemployment lines continue to grow as does the American people’s frustration over a government that continues to spend more money than they have. The current administration’s solution is to raise taxes, not cut spending. Times are tight for American families, and as they are looking at ways to make... More
  • Just Another Day on the Texas Border
    Oct 28, 2010  - It was just another day in south Texas as gunfire erupted in the border town of Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, and warnings went out to people on both sides of the border.  I had just landed in Laredo and was briefed by local law enforcement of a shootout between the drug cartels and the Mexican military tha... More
  • Border Security: Missing in Action
    Oct 7, 2010  - Today, and every day, young men and women wearing the United States military uniform are putting their lives on the line for the safety and security of people all around the world.   Freedom is a God-given right that burns deep within every person.  It’s a right that American warriors fight and die ... More
  • Ground Zero Mosque or Monument?
    Sep 3, 2010  - History is the great predictor.  To understand today, all you have to do is look at yesterday. Do you remember where you were when the planes hit the World Trade Center? Can you still see the billowing clouds of smoke blacking out the New York skyline? Those towers, once pillars of strength and ... More
  • Craigslist should shun sex ads
    Sep 2, 2010  - In recent ads in the San Francisco Chronicle and The Washington Post, female victims of sex trafficking highlighted the role they said the website Craigslist played in their exploitation. The women pleaded with founder Craig Newmark to eliminate the adult services section of the site, where sex ad... More
  • God and guns
    Jun 29, 2010  - I was at a town hall meeting back in Texas recently and a local man came up to me afterwards to talk about his concerns over where our country was headed, something to do with a fiery inferno and a hand basket.  As he was talking to me, I noticed his t-shirt: “I love my Bible,” with a picture of the... More
  • Lindsay Brashier and the Extradition of Evelyn Mezzich: Lack of an Appropriate Resolution is a Failure of the Law
    Jun 25, 2010  - As a former prosecutor and judge in Harris County, Texas for 30 years, and now as the founder and co-chair of the Congressional Victims’ Rights Caucus, I have heard and seen the gamut of crimes against individuals, families and property.  But I have also heard and seen far too many cases of justice ... More
  • Kagan Unqualified To Be on Court
    Jun 23, 2010  - The new Supreme Court pick, Elena Kagan, has never been a judge. She's never seen a courtroom from the bench. She's never had a judge's responsibilities. Elena Kagan has never instructed a jury or ruled on a point of law—any point of law. She's never tried a criminal case, a civil case, or even a tr... More
  • Wrong fit for Supreme Court (Rep. Ted Poe)
    Jun 22, 2010  - The new Supreme Court pick, Elena Kagan, has never been a judge. News reports say she doesn't have trial court experience as a lawyer. As a lawyer, she never questioned a witness or made an argument before a jury. She's never been a trial judge so she never had to make a constitutional ruling in the... More
  • It’s Wrong to Blame Arizona
    Jun 2, 2010  - America is a nation founded on the rule of law, not the rule of men. That's why we have a Constitution and not a king. Law must apply to everybody and it must apply equally, regardless of race, color, or creed. People don't get to pick and choose which laws are enforced. They don't get to decide whi... More
"Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may." ~Sam Houston
"Socialism is the Philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." ~Winston Churchill
"The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." ~Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher