Stearns: Flaws in Healthcare Law Coming to Light

Rep. Cliff Stearns (FL) published a blog post in the Hill today. Please read an excerpt of "Flaws in healthcare law coming to light":

Americans are only eight months into the passage of the more than 2,000-page healthcare bill, but they are beginning to see some of the problems created by this new healthcare law.  

When Congress passed the massive healthcare bill, I said that it would lead to millions of Americans losing their current healthcare plans.  I was so concerned about this happening that I offered an amendment to the bill in the Energy and Commerce Committee and at the Rules Committee to protect people’s health plans.

It was a very simple amendment.  It stated that, “Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent or limit individuals from keeping their current health coverage.”  This amendment was voted down in committee, and the Rules Committee prevented it from being offered on the House floor during debate on the healthcare bill.

Read the rest here.