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Committee on Financial Services

United States House of Representatives

Archive Press Releases

Committee on Banking and Financial Services
106th Congress

James A. Leach (IA), Chairman                            John J. LaFalce (NY)
Bill McCollum (FL), Vice Chairman Bruce F. Vento (MN)
Marge Roukema (NJ) Barney Frank (MA)
Doug Bereuter (NE) Paul E. Kanjorski (PA)
Richard H. Baker (LA) Maxine Waters (CA)
Rick Lazio (NY) Carolyn B. Maloney (NY)
Spencer Bachus, III (AL) Luis V. Gutierrez (IL)
Michael Castle (DE) Nydia M. Velazquez (NY)
Peter King (NY) Melvin Watt (NC)
Tom Campbell (CA) Gary L. Ackerman (NY)
Edward Royce (CA) Ken Bentsen (TX)
Frank D. Lucas (OK) James H. Maloney (CT)
Jack Metcalf (WA) Darlene Hooley (OR)
Robert Ney (OH) Julia Carson (IN)
Bob Barr (GA) Robert A. Weygand (RI)
Sue W. Kelly (NY) Brad Sherman (CA)
Ron Paul (TX) Max Sandlin (TX)
Dave Weldon (FL) Gregory Meeks (NY)
Jim Ryun (KS)

Barbara Lee (CA)

Merrill Cook (UT) Frank R. Mascara (PA)
Bob Riley (AL) Jay Inslee (WA)
Rick Hill (MT) Jan Schakowsky (IL)
Steven C. LaTourette (OH) Dennis Moore (KA)
Donald A. Manzullo (IL) Charlie Gonzalez (TX)
Walter B. Jones, Jr. (NC) Stephanie Tubbs Jones (OH)
Paul Ryan (WI) Michael Capuano (MA)
Doug Ose (CA) Michael P. Forbes (NY)
John Sweeney (NY)
Judy Biggert (IL)
Lee Terry (NE) Bernard Sanders (VT)
Mark Green (WI)
Pat Toomey (PA)



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Committee on Financial Services  •  2129 Rayburn House Office Building  •  Washington, DC 20515  •  (202) 225-4247