Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Securities and Government Sponsored Enterprises
105th Congress

Richard Baker (LA), Chairman Paul Kanjorski (PA), Ranking Member
Frank Lucas (OK), Vice Chairman Luis Gutierrez (IL)
Merrill Cook (UT) Bruce Vento (MN)
Vince Snowbarger (KS) Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA)
Bob Riley (AL) Thomas Barrett (WI)
Rick Hill (MT) Gary Ackerman (NY)
Pete Sessions (TX) Nydia Velazquez (NY)
Rick Lazio (NY) Ken Bentsen (TX)
Spencer Bachus (AL) Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (MI)
Peter King (NY) James Maloney (CT)
Tom Campbell (CA) Robert Weygand (RI)
Edward Royce (CA) Brad Sherman (CA)
Jon Fox (PA) Max Sandlin (TX)
Walter B. Jones (NC)
Vito Fossella (NY)

(last updated 10/14/98)

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