Dems Claim to Be Focused on Jobs -- But Where Are They?

Jobs numbers continue to be disappointing even while Democrats claim to be working on ways to improve them. It is an empty promise we've been hearing for months yet President Obama and the Democrats have been unable to deliver. Here's a big of what Democrats say they are working on now:

Democratic aides said they haven’t worked out the details of which bills will be included in the push or whether some of them will be combined into more complex legislation. But among the ideas are a $5 billion tax credit for alternative energy products and a mandate to study the state of American manufacturing every four years.

Democrats plan to present the agenda as a means of creating jobs, promoting green manufacturing through tax credits and grants and enhancing national security by rebuilding the domestic manufacturing sector at a time when many Americans are worried about China’s strength, according to aides.

Republicans said Democrats have hurt the economy and that this agenda is hardly the needed salve.

“The American people are asking, where are the jobs?” said Michael Steel, spokesman for House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio). “These measures won’t erase the damage done by Washington Democrats’ job-killing agenda: the endless deficit spending, Obamacare, the national energy tax or their plan for the largest tax hike in history.”

Read more at Politico.