Pence - Budget Numbers Warn of Fiscal Train Wreck

Pence: Budget Numbers Warn of Fiscal Train Wreck

"The budget disaster we face is no longer one the president inherited but one he helped create, with the support of Congressional Democrats."

AUGUST 25, 2009

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GOP Leaders discuss action to get the economy moving and stand with the American people.
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Mar. 04, 2009 | What They're Saying

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Feb. 13, 2009 | Weekly Republican Address

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Feb. 13, 2009 | Solutions for Real Jobs

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Rep. Pence: Families are Hurting, but This isn't the Right Thing
Feb. 13, 2009 | Solutions for Real Jobs

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'Keeping the Stimulus Accountable' - Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers "Keeping the Stimulus Accountable" - Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Jan. 16, 2009 | Weekly Republican Address

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Jan. 09, 2009 | Weekly Republican Address

Conference Chairman Mike Pence on Republican solutions to turn our economy around without massive government bailouts.
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Conference Chairman Mike Pence on Republican solutions to turn our economy around without massive government bailouts.
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