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Burton Statement On The GOP Pledge To America

Posted by John Donnelly on September 24, 2010

FOR IMMEIDATE RELEASE                                                                                  CONTACT: John Donnelly
September 23, 2010                                                                                                     (317) 848-0201

Burton Statement On The GOP Pledge To America

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following statement after House Republicans released a new governing agenda entitled “A Pledge to America”:

“We have listened to the people, and our Pledge is a united response.  The major policies in this new governing agenda—job creation and tax cuts, spending cuts and caps, strong national defense and border security, ensuring new laws have Constitutional authority, and the repeal and replacement of Obamacare—give voice to the American people, whose demands have largely been ignored by the current Majority.

“Our Pledge to America is an easy one for me to take, as its philosophies and policies are all things I have championed throughout my public life, if not already supported specifically through legislation.  Above all, our Pledge is something I am proud to take back to my constituents in Indiana.  Hoosiers who read our Pledge will find a genuine commitment to governing through our founding principles and for the priorities of our people. ”

NOTE:  “A Pledge to America” can be found in full here:

The preamble to “A Pledge to America” reaffirms Republicans’ commitment to principles of smaller, more accountable government; economic freedom; lower taxes; fiscal responsibility; protecting life, American values, and the Constitution; and providing for a strong national defense.  This new governing agenda is comprised of five specific policy plans that could be implemented right now if President Obama and Democratic Leaders would allow it:

•    Creating Jobs.  “A Pledge to America” reflects Americans’ demand for immediate action on policies that will end uncertainty for small businesses and help our economy get back to creating jobs.  This new governing agenda contains a plan to create jobs, end economic uncertainty, and make America competitive – including stopping all tax hikes, reining in red tape, and repealing ObamaCare’s ‘1099 mandate.’

•    Cutting Spending.  “A Pledge to America” embodies Americans’ rejection of the now-thoroughly discredited notion that we can simply tax, spend, and borrow our way to prosperity.  This new governing agenda contains a plan to cut spending and reduce the size of government – including cutting government spending to pre-‘stimulus’, pre-bailout levels, imposing a hard cap on future discretionary spending, and ending TARP once and for all.

•    Reforming Congress.  “A Pledge to America” acknowledges that we cannot get our arms around the issues of the day when we have a government that refuses to listen to the people and ignores their priorities.  This new governing agenda contains a plan to reform Congress and restore trust – including implementing ‘read the bill’ reform, allowing for more open and fair debate, and requiring that every bill contain a citation of Constitutional authority.

•    Repealing and Replacing The Job-Killing Health Care Law.  “A Pledge to America” recognizes that the American people continue to squarely oppose the government takeover of health care, with its higher costs, higher taxes, job-killing mandates, and Medicare cuts to pay for a massive new entitlement.  This new governing agenda contains a plan to repeal and replace the job-killing health care law with common-sense reforms focused on lowering costs and protecting American jobs.

•    A Strong National Defense.  “A Pledge to America” reinforces Congress’s responsibility to help provide for a strong national defense and fashion a coherent strategy to confront and defeat the terrorist threat.  This new governing agenda contains a plan to keep our nation secure at home and abroad – including passing clean troop funding bills, keeping terrorists off American soil, and fully funding missile defense.


Rep. Burton Talks About the Government's Inconsistent Immigration Policy

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on July 14, 2010

On Wednesday July 14, 2010 Rep. Dan Burton spoke to congress about the inconsistent immigration policies regarding the lawsuit against Arizona and sanctuary cities.


Rep. Burton Calls on President Obama to Protect American Citizens by Securing the Border

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on April 28, 2010

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                        CONTACT: Joshua Gillespie
April 28, 2010                                                                                            (317) 848-0201

Rep. Burton Calls on President Obama to Protect American Citizens by Securing the Border


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN-05) joined 17 other Members of Congress in calling on President Obama to take prompt and necessary steps to stem the tide of violence on our southern border:

“The preamble to the United States Constitution clearly establishes that one of the fundamental purposes of the Federal government is to ‘provide for the common defense.’  The growing epidemic of violence along our southwest border clearly shows that we are falling down on that job. Assaults against Border Patrol agents have increased 46 percent from 752 incidents in 2007 to 1,097 incidents in 2008.  Since January of 2008 nearly 5,000 homicides have occurred in Juarez, Mexico and most recently Robert Krentz, a longtime Arizona rancher, was found shot dead and slumped over in his all-terrain vehicle with the engine still running.  The people of Arizona grew tired of waiting for the Federal government to act and they took matters into their own hands.  Its time for Washington to wake up and defend the people of the United States by doing whatever it takes to secure our southern border.” 

“In addition to stepping up border security, we need to enact tough immigration reform that firmly rejects the concept of amnesty.  We tried amnesty during the 1980s when we passed the Simpson-Mazzoli Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 when we only had an estimated 3 million illegal aliens in this country.  Today we have an estimated 12 to 18 million illegal aliens living in America; proving that amnesty as a cure for illegal immigration is a complete failure. Amnesty does not work.    This is why I have introduced the “No Sanctuary for Illegals Act” (H.R. 5002) which is a consolidated and update of two bills he introduced during the110th Congress - the “No Sanctuary for Illegals Act” (H.R. 3549) and the “Border Security and Elimination of Sanctuary for Illegal Aliens Act of 2007” (H.R. 3638).  We are a Nation of immigrants, but we are also a Nation of laws.  We are also a Nation susceptible to terrorist attacks.  It is for these reasons that we need strong immigration reform and my bill embodies just that.  It calls for stronger border security; and no amnesty for illegal immigrants.  Period!”

The following is the letter sent to President Obama:

The Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Obama,

As you know, violence in the vicinity of the U.S.-Mexico border continues to increase at an alarming rate.  We believe that this violence represents a serious threat to the national security of the United States as well as a serious threat to U.S. citizens that live along the 1,969 mile long border.   We strongly believe that it is imperative for your Administration to promptly take the necessary steps to prevent this violence.

  We urge the Administration to take action to address this growing national security threat on our southern border.  Without swift and decisive action, it is our fear that this violence will only increase in severity and scope.  We urge you to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border, as has been requested by a number of border state Governors and Members of Congress.   We ask that any National Guard troops that are deployed should be provided with very clear guidance of proper rules of engagement and should be armed and allowed to defend themselves if fired upon or attacked.

As you know, the level of violence along the border continues to increase.  Since January 2008, nearly 5,000 homicides have been committed in Juarez, Mexico, making it one of the most violent cities in the world.  In 2009 alone, 79 U.S. citizens were killed in Juarez, Mexico.  On March 13th of this year, Lesley Enriquez, a U.S. Consulate employee, and her husband Arthur Redelf, a ten year veteran of the El Paso Police Department, were killed when Mexican drug gang members fired a number of rounds at their vehicle.  That same day, Jorge Alberto Salcido, the husband of a U.S. Consulate employee, was killed when cartel members shot at his car at a separate location.

On March 27, 2010, Robert Krentz, a longtime Arizona rancher, was found shot dead and slumped over in his all-terrain vehicle with the engine still running.  Following the murder of Mr. Krentz, his assailant was tracked to the U.S.- Mexico border and there is evidence that he crossed the border into Mexico.  The day before the killing, Mr. Krentz’s brother had called the Border Patrol to report a caravan of illegal immigrants who were ultimately caught carrying 280 pounds of marijuana. 

Additionally, our Border Patrol and law enforcement agents along the border are facing a growing threat to their safety.  Assaults against Border Patrol agents increased 46 percent from 752 incidents in 2007 to 1,097 incidents in 2008.  Recent analysis from the El Paso Sector Border Intelligence Center warns that retaliatory actions against law enforcement officers could occur in the border region.

 At the same time, we urge the Administration to provide the Border Patrol with the support it needs, both in terms of tangible resources such as state-of-the-art technology and equipment, as well as ensuring that agents are not disciplined or prosecuted for performing their duties or defending themselves against attacks.

We stand ready to work together with you and your Administration on these important issues to ensure the safety and security of all Americans in the border region and throughout our country.


On April 14, 2010 Rep. Burton introduced H.R. 5002 the “No Sanctuary for Illegals Act” to end the cycle of illegal immigration in the United States and withdraw Federal funds from States and political subdivisions of States that interfere with the enforcement of Federal immigration law.

Cosponsored: Over 30 pieces of legislation dealing with immigration issues in the 111th Congress alone.

March 2010 – Joined the “Reclaim American Jobs” caucus which raises public awareness of the connection between illegal immigration and unemployment.  It also pressures the Administration to vigorously enforce the laws against the employment of illegal immigrants, works to implement legislation that will protect American jobs from the impact of illegal immigration and work to defeat legislation that will put American jobs at risk from the impact of illegal immigration.

September 2009 -  Sent a letter to Republican Study Committee Chairman Tom Price and Ranking Member Mike Rogers of the Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Homeland Security to request that four-immigration related provisions contained in the Senate-passed version of the FY2010 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill be retained in the conference report to H.R. 2892

April 2009
- Sent a letter to Secretary Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security regarding the disturbing fact that the United States does not inform foreign governments of the full criminal record of an alien being deported for a criminal offense, something that was brought to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs’ Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere during a previous hearing on “Deportees in Latin America and the Caribbean.”

March 2009 - Sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi expressing that her statement that immigration law enforcement is “un-American” was “grossly inappropriate” and urging her to apologize to the men and women of the Department of the Homeland Security.
March 2009 - Sent a letter to President Obama expressing “our concerns regarding the completion of security fencing and accompanying infrastructure along the US-Mexico border.”  The letter also stressed that reports of escalating border violence and increased narcotics production in Mexico underscore the significant challenges we face on our Southern land border, and the signatories urged the President “to expeditiously complete existing fence construction projects required by law and consider building additional infrastructure wherever needed…” Such a provision is also included in my “No Sanctuary for Illegals Act,” H.R.5002.


Linked here is the letter to President Obama.


Rep. Burton Reintroduces Legislation to Crack Down on Illegal Immigration

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on April 14, 2010

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                        CONTACT: Joshua Gillespie
April 14, 2010                                                                                            (317) 848-0201

Rep. Burton Reintroduces Legislation to Crack Down on Illegal Immigration

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following statement after introducing the “No Sanctuary for Illegals Act” (H.R. 5002) which is a consolidated and update of two bills he introduced during the110th Congress - the “No Sanctuary for Illegals Act” (H.R. 3549) and the “Border Security and Elimination of Sanctuary for Illegal Aliens Act of 2007” (H.R. 3638)

“Since our existence, the United States has been attractive to foreigners looking for more opportunity and more freedom.  It is said that we are a "nation of immigrants".  Reports from the White House have been that President Obama, emboldened by his health care reform victory, the President wants to tackle the issue of immigration reform by creating a path to citizenship for the millions of illegal aliens currently living in America.

”I believe the President’s approach is misguided.  We are an immigrant Nation but we are also a nation of laws.  And a nation susceptible to terrorist attacks.  For these reasons we should apply two principals to our nation's immigration policies - Stronger border security; and no amnesty for illegal immigrants.  My bill embodies both of these principles.  H.R. 5002 would:

Directs the Secretary of Homeland Security to: (1) increase incentives to recruit Border Patrol agents through repayment of higher education loans; (2) establish a retention program; and (3) make construction of border fencing a priority;
Authorizes the Secretary to deploy newly-developed technology along the land and maritime borders;
Requires that a state or local law enforcement agency that arrests an alien that is illegally in the United States shall notify United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement respecting the arrest and provide the identity of the arrested person. In addition, it provides for: (1) the arrested person's expedited removal from the United States, and (2) criminal penalties and expedited removal if that same person is discovered to be unlawfully present in the United States  a second time;
Makes inadmissible to the United States an alien who has been unlawfully present in the United States and who attempts to illegally enter or reenter the United States. (Under current law, such person must be unlawfully in the United States for an aggregate period exceeding one year.);
End of practice of anchor babies - children born in the United States to illegal alien mothers, who use the children’s American citizenship to remain in the country; and
End the policy of Sanctuary Cities – Cities that offer assistance and protection to illegal aliens
“Amnesty policies only reward people for breaking our laws and encourage others to do the same. We tried amnesty during the 1980s when we passed the Simpson-Mazzoli Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 when we only had an estimated 3 million illegal aliens in this country.  Today we have an estimated 12 to 18 million illegal aliens living in America; proving that amnesty as a cure for illegal immigration is a complete failure. Amnesty does not work; and so long as I am privileged to represent Hoosiers in the United States House of Representatives I will oppose amnesty."


Cosponsored: Over 30 pieces of legislation dealing with immigration issues in the 111th Congress alone.

March 2010 – Joined the “Reclaim American Jobs” caucus which raises public awareness of the connection between illegal immigration and unemployment.  It also pressures the Administration to vigorously enforce the laws against the employment of illegal immigrants, works to implement legislation that will protect American jobs from the impact of illegal immigration and work to defeat legislation that will put American jobs at risk from the impact of illegal immigration.

September 2009 -  Sent a letter to Republican Study Committee Chairman Tom Price and Ranking Member Mike Rogers of the Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Homeland Security to request that four-immigration related provisions contained in the Senate-passed version of the FY2010 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill be retained in the conference report to H.R. 2892

April 2009 - Sent a letter to Secretary Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security regarding the disturbing fact that the United States does not inform foreign governments of the full criminal record of an alien being deported for a criminal offense, something that was brought to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs’ Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere during a previous hearing on “Deportees in Latin America and the Caribbean.”

March 2009 - Sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi expressing that her statement that immigration law enforcement is “un-American” was “grossly inappropriate” and urging her to apologize to the men and women of the Department of the Homeland Security.
March 2009 - Sent a letter to President Obama expressing “our concerns regarding the completion of security fencing and accompanying infrastructure along the US-Mexico border.”  The letter also stressed that reports of escalating border violence and increased narcotics production in Mexico underscore the significant challenges we face on our Southern land border, and the signatories urged the President “to expeditiously complete existing fence construction projects required by law and consider building additional infrastructure wherever needed…” Such a provision is also included in my “No Sanctuary for Illegals Act,” H.R.5002.

Click this link for a copy of the legislation.


Burton's Bid To Block Welfare For Illegal Immigrants Stymied By Democrats

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                              CONTACT: John Donnelly
July 8, 2009                                                                                                       (202) 225-2276

Burton's Bid To Block Welfare For Illegal Immigrants Stymied By Democrats Proposed Amendment To Ag Appropriations Bill Would Have Blocked Attempts To Provide Food Stamps To Illegal Immigrants

WASHINGTON, D.C. - With the House set to consider the 2010 Agriculture, FDA, and Rural Development Appropriations bill this week, Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN) introduced an amendment that would have blocked any attempt to extend food stamp benefits to illegal immigrants. Late Tuesday evening, the Democrat-controlled Rules Committee blocked the amendment from any consideration. Rep. Burton issued the following statement after the ruling:

"The amendment I submitted to the Rules Committee was a blocking measure to assure the American people that their tax dollars wouldn't be spent on food stamps for illegal immigrants. At an immigration reform meeting on June 25th, President Obama made it crystal clear that amnesty remains a top priority for his administration. Given the track record of radicalism we have seen over the last 6 months, it just makes sense to try to be ahead of the curve and thwart any attempts at extending welfare to illegal immigrants. The Democrats on the Rules Committee quickly sidelined my amendment, which could be a discouraging indicator of things to come."


Text of the Burton Amendment to HR 2997, the Agriculture Appropriations bill:

None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used to provide benefits under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (the former food stamp program) to an individual who is ineligible to receive such benefits.

BusinessWeek: "Obama kicks off immigration reform talks"
