How Obamacare Will Affect You By Congressman John Shadegg

Rep. John Shadegg (AZ) publisheda piece at Townhall today, entitled, "How Will ObamaCare Affect the Average American?" Read the following excerpt:

So Nancy Pelosi and President Obama are adamant that Congress pass their health care bill. They’ve dismissed the August protesters and are pushing for passage as soon as possible. But, what does this mean for the average American (we’ll call her Mary Smith), a single mother of two struggling to get by in a down economy. She hears terms like “individual mandate,” “employer mandate,” and “CBO score.” But none of this helps her understand what health care reform means for her.

Mary wants to help the uninsured, but why is Congress talking about changing her plan? And why does every report now indicate her premiums and her taxes will go up--and her employer could be fined or forced out of business? President Obama said his plan would control cost. She worries about losing the health plan she has and the doctors her children know. What about her job? What if her employer can’t continue to afford coverage? Will decisions about her family’s coverage and medical care be made by her or someone in Washington? Will it be a radical change that rations care?

Read the rest at Townhall.