GOP Talkers on Pelosi Health Care Plan

GOP Talkers on Pelosi Health Care Plan

OCTOBER 29, 2009


  • House Republicans will oppose any effort to pass a sweeping government takeover of health care and are committed to working on bipartisan solutions to fix what is broken. 
  • After weeks of meeting behind closed doors, Speaker Pelosi has unveiled another government-run health care plan - this one running 1,990 pages long and costing $1.3 trillion.
  • The Pelosi health care bill will raise taxes, raise health care costs, add to our national debt, hurting America's seniors, families and small businesses.  
  • Despite months of town hall meetings and after millions of Americans voiced their opposition to a government takeover of health care, Democrats in Washington are moving ahead anyway.  
  • According to various studies millions of Americans could lose their current health insurance.
  • One recent WellPoint study estimated that younger Americans could see their health care premiums triple and a family of four could see their health care premiums more than double.
  • The Congressional Budget Office has testified before Congress that the Democrat health care plan will actually INCREASE health care spending.  
  • House Republicans have a simpler and less expensive health care plan the reduces health care costs by letting individuals buy health care across state lines, allowing small businesses to pool together to purchase health care at a lower cost and by reining in junk lawsuits.
  • The American people and House Republicans want to pass responsible health care reform that lowers costs and offers greater access to affordable health care.   
  • President Obama and Speaker Pelosi need to start over on their health care plan.  Republicans are ready to work on bipartisan solutions to health care reform.