Pence Statement on the President’s Partisan Pitch for Health Care Reform

Pence Statement on the President’s Partisan Pitch for Health Care Reform

JULY 22, 2009

"The President of the United States may 'mean it' when he says a government takeover of health care won't add to the deficit but every American knows that a government-run health insurance plan will mean more deficits and more debt."

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement regarding President Obama's press conference tonight:


"The last thing this country needs during the worst recession in a generation is a trillion dollar co-pay that will kill jobs, raise taxes, and force millions of hard-working Americans to lose their current health care plan.  The American people simply cannot afford the president's health care proposal. 

"The President of the United States may 'mean it' when he says a government takeover of health care won't add to the deficit but every American knows that a government-run health insurance plan will mean more deficits and more debt.

"House Republicans, like all Americans, want to improve our nation's health care system.  Unfortunately, the president would rather engage in straw man tactics than tackle the challenges facing our nation in a bipartisan manner."



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The House Republican Conference Press Office at (202) 226-9000 or
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Mary Vought (