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Filter Results for "Navy SEALs"

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Burton Statement On Navy SEAL Matt McCabe Being Found Not Guilty

Posted by John Donnelly on May 6, 2010

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                        CONTACT: John Donnelly
May 6, 2010                                                                                            (317) 848-0201

Burton Statement On Navy SEAL Matt McCabe Being Found Not Guilty


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following statement after Navy SEAL Matt McCabe was found not guilty of all charges related to the alleged abuse of an al-Qaeda terrorist detainee:

"My heartfelt congratulations go to Petty Officer McCabe and his family.  I know they have endured many stressful months in anticipation of this trial.  With all three Navy SEALs now cleared of all charges in this case, I believe this sends a very positive signal to the men and women in uniform who are fighting for America around the world today.

"I join the many thousands of Americans who cheer for SEALs McCabe, Keefe, and Huertas tonight, and on behalf of the 35,000 who signed my petition for these three heroes, I thank them for their honorable service, and welcome them back to duty."


Rep. Burton Applauds Acquittal of Second Navy SEAL

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on April 23, 2010

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                              CONTACT: Joshua Gillespie
April 23, 2010                                                                                             (317) 848-0201

Rep. Burton Applauds Acquittal of Second Navy SEAL

– Rep. Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following statement upon hearing that Navy SEAL Petty Officer 2nd Class Jonathan Keefe was acquitted of all charges in his court-martial:

“My heartfelt congratulations go out to Petty Officer 2nd Class Jonathan Keefe and his family.  The acquittals of SEALs Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas, yesterday, and Petty Officer Keefe, today, should encourage our nation and every man and woman in uniform.  These victories are welcome, but I maintain my position that these brave men should never have been put in this situation in the first place.  Beyond the flimsy evidence and the fact that al-Qaeda terrorists are trained to claim torture or abuse by their captors, the very idea of a most-wanted terrorist sitting in a court room and testifying against our elite soldiers is absolutely disgusting. 

"With the speedy resolution of the first two trials and the government's weak case exposed, I am hopeful that Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew McCabe will also be acquitted in his upcoming trial."


On Thursday, April 22, 2010, Rep. Burton applauded the acquittal of Navy SEAL Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas.

In December of 2009, Rep. Burton sent a letter to Major General Charles Cleveland, Commander of Special Operations Command Central, asking for all charges against the SEALs to be dropped.  40 Members of Congress signed onto Rep. Burton's letter, which was also sent to President Obama, Defense Secretary Gates, and Admiral Mullin, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


Rep. Burton Applauds Acquittal of First Navy SEAL

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on April 22, 2010

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                              CONTACT: Joshua Gillespie
April 22, 2010                                                                                             (317) 848-0201

Rep. Burton Applauds Acquittal of First Navy SEAL
Says “The job isn’t finished yet”


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Burton issued the following statement upon hearing that Navy SEAL Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas was acquitted of all charges in his court-martial:

“Today is a great day for Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas and his family.  From the beginning, I have felt that the claims made against Petty Officer Huertas and his fellow SEALs Petty Officer 2nd Class Jonathan Keefe and Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew McCabe were highly suspect as Al-Qaeda operatives are instructed to always claim torture or abuse when captured." 

“While everyone who has stood by Petty Officer Huertas should celebrate today, the job is far from finished.  First, there are two other SEALs that still face trial. Second, an acquittal is not exoneration.  Petty Officer Huertas, Petty Officer Keefe and Petty Officer McCabe should never have been put in this situation and I will not rest until all the injustices put on these American heroes have been rectified.”  



Rep. Burton Steps Up Defense of Navy SEAL 3

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on April 21, 2010

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                              CONTACT: Joshua Gillespie
April 21, 2010                                                                                             (317) 848-0201

Rep. Burton Steps Up Defense of Navy SEAL 3

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Dan Burton issued the following statement after the court martial of Navy SEAL Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas began in Iraq.

“I am appalled that the military is going through with the court martial hearing of SEAL, Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas.  What Petty Officer Huertas and his fellow SEALs, Petty Officer 2nd Class Jonathan Keefe and Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew McCabe are charged with isn’t worthy of a court martial or even negative marks on their permanent record.

"These men have valiantly served our country in the Global War on Terror and they fulfilled their mission by capturing terrorist mastermind Ahmed Hashim Abed, the man believed to be responsible for the infamous mutilations of four American contractors in Fallujah, Iraq, in 2004.”

“What they are charged with comes right out of the al-Qaeda training manual by complaining of poor treatment by his captors in the form of a punch to the stomach and a cut lip.  I am infuriated and find it unconscionable that the three SEALs are now undergoing court martial proceedings as a result of those allegations.  We should be honoring the service of these American soldiers, but instead we are sending a terrible message to our troops that we will put the treatment of terrorist prisoners above the safety of our own fighting men and women.”

“While some of the charges have been dropped against these men, I will not rest until all 3 of these American heroes are fully exonerated.  I will continue to demand that the government drop all charges and end this miscarriage of justice”



Rep. Burton Condemns Decision Not to Fully Exonerate Navy SEALs

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on April 8, 2010

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                              CONTACT: Joshua Gillespie
April 8, 2010                                                                                               (317) 848-0201

Rep. Burton Condemns Decision Not to Fully Exonerate Navy SEALs


Indianapolis, IN – Rep. Burton issued the following statement after the Navy dropped several charges against two Navy SEALs who are accused of mistreating terrorist mastermind Ahmed Hashim Abed, the man believed to be responsible for the infamous mutilations of four American contractors in Fallujah, Iraq, in 2004.
“I am extremely disappointed by the decision announced yesterday.  While dropping some of the charges against Petty Officer 2nd Class Jonathan Keefe and Petty Officer 1st Class Julio Huertas is a small step in the right direction, it is only a small step.

"I have said repeatedly that what is happening to SEALs McCabe, Keefe and Huertas is completely wrong.  They signed up, not only to serve their country, but to do so in the most dangerous capacity provided by our government.  The commanders gave these men a mission, and they executed it.  They risked their lives to capture a brutal terrorist, and in their success, likely saved the lives of countless others.

"Not unexpectedly, the captured terrorist, a top al-Qaeda leader, followed his own training manual and complained of poor treatment by his captors in the form of a punch to the stomach and a cut lip.  I find it infuriating and unconscionable that the three SEALs are now undergoing court martial as a result of those allegations.  Instead of medals and commendations, our heroes are being met with twisted jurisprudence.  This sends a backwards message to our men and women in the military who are charged with carrying out dangerous missions and must often use aggressive force in dealing with al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

“The fact that the government could not substantiate the charges that were dropped yesterday only underscores the shakiness of the government’s prosecution.  This case should never have been brought in the first place; and I will continue to fight to see SEALs McCabe, Keefe and Huertas completely exonerated on all charges against them. These men are heroes for fighting to preserve our freedoms from American’s most wanted enemies.”


March 2010 – Rep. Burton held a press conference along with Rep. Dana Rohrabacher from California and over a dozen retired Navy SEALs and other special forces personnel calling for the exoneration of the three Navy SEALs accused of mistreating al-Qaeda terrorist Ahmed Hashim Abed.

Janurary 2010 – Rep. Burton responded to a letter from Major General Charles Cleveland's explanation for why three Navy SEALs are currently standing trial for their alleged mistreatment of terrorist leader Ahmed Hashim Abed.  In the letter Burton wrote “Having reviewed all of the material you provided, I still have to strongly disagree with the decision of your officers to pursue punishment of these Navy SEALs.”  

December 2009 – Rep. Burton sent a letter to Major General Charles Cleveland, Commander of Special Operations Command Central, asking for all charges against the SEALs to be dropped.  40 Members of Congress signed onto Rep. Burton's letter, which was also sent to President Obama, Defense Secretary Gates, and Admiral Mullin, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
