Bleak Jobs Report Underscores Urgent Need to Stop All the Job-Killing Tax Hikes Now
Dems Waste Time on Job-Killing Tax Hike While Republicans Reaffirm Commitment to Cut Spending & Stop All the Tax Hikes to Help Small Businesses Create Jobs

Washington (Dec 3)

Today, the U.S. Department of Labor released yet another “weak,” “disappointing,” “ugly” jobs report showing that the unemployment rate ticked up to 9.8 percent in the month of November, leaving 15.1 million Americans out of work.   With the unemployment rate stuck at or above 9.5 percent for 16 straight months – the longest stretch since the Great Depression - it’s clear to everyone that the last thing Washington should be doing right now is raising taxes – everyone, that is, except Democrats in Washington.

Today’s sobering jobs report comes just one day after House Democrats voted to impose a job-killing tax hike on American families and small businesses - a plan favored by their liberal allies - despite warnings by economists and small business owners that doing so would only make it harder to create jobs:

“[S]mall business owners, like Drew Greenblatt, would be hit too. When ABC News visited his 30-employee wire basket company in Baltimore earlier this year, he said an increase in the top tax rate would cost him about $40 thousand -- and likely at least one employee.

“‘This is going to pull cash out of our company so we are going to have less money to invest,’ Greenblatt said. ‘We have less money to hire more people.’

“And today, Bob McCutcheon, who runs an apple orchard in Frederick, Md., told ABC News an increase in the top rate would hurt his ability to expand and hire more workers.

“‘I think if they voted tomorrow to not extend the tax cuts, I think that would really affect us in terms of our expansion,’ McCutcheon said.” (ABC News, 12/2/10)

Last month, America sent a message to Washington Democrats that they will no longer tolerate a Congress that puts its own agenda ahead of the people’s top priorities – cutting spending and creating jobs.  For months, Republicans have been calling on Democrats to allow an up-or-down vote on stopping all the tax hikes, but Democrats proved yesterday that they are still desperately clinging to the politically-driven, job-killing agenda the American people voted against – with devastating consequences for our nation’s economy.  Enough is enough.   As economist Douglas Holtz-Eakin notes in a National Review post “this [jobs report] is an alarm bell for the lame-duck Congress. No more games — extend all the tax cuts for two years, patch the AMT, and turn to cutting spending and tax reform.” 

A PLEDGE TO AMERICA.  Republicans are listening to the American people who want Congress to focus on creating jobs by cutting spending and stopping all the tax hikes.  Yesterday, Speaker-designate John Boehner (R-OH) criticized Democrats’ “nonsense” vote for the job-killing tax hike and made clear that “if the lame duck Congress is unable or unwilling to cut spending and stop all the coming tax hikes, the new majority in January will.”  Republicans have made a Pledge to America to help create jobs by stopping all the tax hikes to give small business owners the freedom and certainty they need to grow and hire new workers, and they will keep that commitment. 


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