Boehner: Dems Scamper Back to Washington to Double Down on ‘Stimulus’ Failure
GOP Leader Notes House Will Consider Rep. Price’s Privileged Resolution Regarding Dem Plan to Pass Job-Killing Bills During Lame-Duck Session

Washington (Aug 4)

House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement after Democratic Leaders indicated they would call the House back into session to pass billions in additional ‘stimulus’ spending paid for with a job-killing tax hike on U.S. job creators: 

“The American people don’t want more Washington ‘stimulus’ spending – especially in the form of a pay-off to union bosses and liberal special interests. This stunning display of tone-deafness comes at the expense of American workers, who will be hit by another job-killing tax hike because Washington Democrats can’t kick their addiction to more government ‘stimulus’ spending. Democrats should be listening to their constituents – who are asking ‘where are the jobs?’ – instead of scampering back to Washington to push through more special interest bailouts and job-killing tax hikes.

“The best way to address the challenges our cities and states are facing is to get our economy back on track, not kick the can down the road and double down on the same failing policies. Republicans are listening to the American people and offering better solutions to cut wasteful Washington spending and help small businesses put people back to work.

“Next week, the House will also consider Rep. Tom Price’s privileged resolution regarding Democrats’ plans to pass controversial job-killing legislation during a lame-duck session. This will be yet another opportunity for Democrats to promise to respect the will of the American people, or stick with their liberal Leaders’ desire to not ‘rule out’ passing a national energy tax or massive spending bills in a lame duck.”

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