Gun Safety

domePreventing Gun Violence

As a former officer in the U.S. Army, Senator Reed has great respect for firearms and responsible gun ownership.  

Reed believes we can, and must, do more to reduce gun-related crimes in America.  Senator Reed has authored legislation to prevent potentially dangerous people, such as convicted felons or individuals with a history of mental instability, from purchasing firearms.  

He also voted to ban assault weapons and authored an amendment with Senator John McCain of Arizona to close loopholes that allow terrorists and criminals to buy firearms at gun shows without the same type of background checks required when guns are purchased from a licensed dealer.

Additionally, when the Senate considered legislation offering the gun industry immunity from lawsuits, Senator Reed spoke out on behalf of the victims of gun violence, including the families of the victims in the Washington, D.C. sniper shootings.  Reed believes it is wrong for them to be denied their day in court. 

Recently, Senator Reed joined Senator Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey in introducing the Gun Show Background Check Act of 2008.  This legislation, which has strong support from law enforcement officers, would close the lingering gun show loophole by requiring background checks on all sales at gun shows.


Recent News:

Reed Joins Shooting Victims and Families to Push for Closing Gun Show Loophole


Outside Links:

Federal Bureau of Investigation

U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives