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Lungren: Ending Earmarks an Important First Step to Changing Washington

Washington, D.C. –  Congressman Dan Lungren (R-Gold River-CA) issued the following statement after the House Republican Conference voted to end earmarks, passing a resolution offered by incoming Freshman Member Sean Duffy (R-WI-7):

“Last year my Republican colleagues and I took a stand and agreed to a one year moratorium on all earmarks. Today we took another step towards changing the way Washington spends taxpayer money and voted to ban earmarks altogether.

“The American people are tired of the borrowing and spending in Washington, and they want Congress to change the way we spend the people's money – your money.

“The Republican party and the newly elected Members coming in for the 112th Congress this January are committed to cutting spending, making government more efficient and listening to the American people.

“I have always stood for and supported legislation to get the nation’s fiscal house in order and I am anxious to get to work not only for the people I represent but for all Americans.”



Congressman Dan Lungren serves as Ranking Member on the House Administration Committee in addition to serving on the Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees