NY Post: Pelosi defies Dems who want Bush cuts

As we noted yesterday, at least 31 Democrats have spoken out to the Obama Administration, asking that they extend tax cuts to all. In an ailing economy, this is best option and House Republicans agree. However, Speaker Pelosi is not listening. The New York Post today reports her opposition to the request. See an excerpt:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is putting the kibosh on an effort to extend tax cuts for people in the top income bracket -- despite an intense campaign from moderate Democrats to continue all the Bush tax cuts.

Pressed yesterday on whether she would accept a temporary extension of tax cuts for couples earning more than $250,000, Pelosi replied, "Not for the wealthy, no."

Pelosi said she was willing to listen to other Democrats who have different ideas, "But I see no justification for going into debt to a foreign country to underwrite and subsidize tax cuts for the wealthiest people in America."

Read the rest here.