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Press Releases
U.S. Rep. Johnson Statement on Unemployment Report
12/03/10WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Timothy V. Johnson today expressed dismay a the latest unemployment report, with the nation's jobless rate rising to 9.8 percent while the lame-duck Congress on Thursday voted to raise taxes on small businesses.
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U.S. Rep. Johnson Joins Members in Seeking Afghan Exit
11/18/10WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Timothy V. Johnson today signed on to a bipartisan letter opposing a troop presence in Afghanistan through 2014.
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U.S. Rep. Johnson Hails Earmark Ban
11/18/10WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Timothy V. Johnson today joined the rest of the Republican caucus in committing to a ban on earmarks in the 112th Congress. House and Senate Republicans agreed to the historic ban by unanimous consent.
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U.S. Rep. Johnson Reacts to Leadership Elections
11/17/10Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Timothy V. Johnson issued the following statement after Congressional Democrats reelected Nancy Pelosi as their leader for the 112th Congress, despite the defections of 43 Democrats and an agenda that was resoundingly rejected by the American electorate.
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U.S. Rep. Johnson Seeks FutureGen Investigation
10/12/10WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Timothy V. Johnson today sought to enlist a House investigatory committee in examining the causes for the U.S. Department of Energy withdrawing its support for FutureGen in Mattoon, and reconfiguring the project without consultation with Congress and the FutureGen Alliance.
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