Flatlines: Employer Coverage: The Pain Continues Under ObamaCare

In previous issues of Flatlines, we reported how much money several large employers have had to pay already to fund ObamaCare.

A new survey by Mercer, a worldwide consulting firm, reveals how many employers will be affected by ObamaCare’s coverage requirements. 
·        38% of employers will be required by ObamaCare to pay $3,000 per employee whose coverage is deemed ‘unaffordable’ under ObamaCare, if their employee receives a subsidy and buys their coverage in the exchange.

·        49% of large employers currently don’t offer health insurance to part-time workers who work 30 hours or more per week and under ObamaCare, those employers will have to pay a penalty.  This mandate will create some tough decisions for employers as it provides an incentive to limit the amount their employees can work.  

·        61% of all employers have lifetime limits on their PPO plans.  These employers will have to change their plans since no health insurance plan under ObamaCare will be allowed to have a lifetime cap.  

For previous ObamaCare Flatlines, go here http://www.gop.gov/obamacare.