Pence - the American People Aren’t Fooled By Democrat Tax Cutting Claims

Pence: the American People Aren’t Fooled By Democrat Tax Cutting Claims

APRIL 14, 2010

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks today on the House floor responding to Democrat claims that they cut taxes:

"You know, Groucho Marx said years ago, ‘Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?' I just have to wonder, Mr. Speaker, about the American people looking in this morning to hear Democrats talking about having cut taxes more than any other Congress in history.
"Let me see if we can do this. They passed a budget with record taxes and spending that will add a trillion dollars to the national debt in the next ten years. They passed a national energy tax called cap and trade that will cause utility rates to go up on small businesses and family farms and businesses across this country by hundreds of billions of dollars.  And we just passed ObamaCare with $600 billion of tax increases.
"They're standing in front of the American people on the day before tax day, on the day before tens of millions of Americans are going to take the street and say ‘enough is enough,' and expect you to believe that they've been cutting taxes.  Well, I think the American people know better.
"The American people know what we really need here in Washington, D.C. is less talk and more action. Let's cut taxes across the board for working families, small businesses, and family farms. Get government under control, get government out of the way, and this economy will come roaring back."
Note: to view this speech, click here


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