Pence Calls on Administration to Oppose Reported U.N. Investigation of Israel

Pence Calls on Administration to Oppose Reported U.N. Investigation of Israel

“I think we’re seeing the shifting sands of an ambiguous American posture in the world…”

JUNE 11, 2010

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following remarks today during an appearance on Your World with Neil Cavuto on the Fox News Network:
On Reports the Administration Will Support a UN Investigation of Israel’s Actions in Flotilla incident
“It's not enough for the administration to say that if this vote came up before the Security Council ‘we would vote no.’ They have to actively oppose some sort of a show-trial investigation before the U.N. Human Rights Council that is underway in the U.N. right now. Here are the facts: 33 of the most recent 40 resolutions produced by the Human Rights Council at the United Nations have condemned Israel...This is a moment where the American people who support our most cherished ally, Israel, expect the American administration to actively oppose efforts within the United Nation to engage in this kind of an inquiry.”
On the Administration’s Broader Foreign Policy
“I think we're seeing the shifting sands of an ambiguous American posture in the world beginning to become a reality in developments in the region. The fact is that Turkey participated and was complicitous in launching a flotilla that was designed to challenge the blockade and challenge Israel's right of self-defense. This administration has sent two messages to that part of the world. Number one: It's okay to cozy up to Iran the way Turkey and Brazil recently have done. And, number two, it's okay to bully Israel. The United States of America has been condemning Israel for rebuilding Jerusalem. This has all just got to stop.”


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