Stimulus Talking Points

Stimulus Talking Points

FEBRUARY 4, 2009

- Our nation is in a recession and millions of Americans are hurting.

- Congress and the President are right to call for decisive action but the only thing the Democrat bill will stimulate is more government and more debt.

- House Republicans unanimously opposed this bill for one reason: it won’t work.

- Opposition to the House Democrat bill was bipartisan because it is a wish list of wasteful spending that will do little to put Americans back to work.

- The American people are asking:

  • How is $2 billion for our national parks going to move people from the unemployment line to the factory line?
  • How will funding $45 million for fish passage barriers and ATV trails create opportunities for American families?

- Republicans are on the side of the American people.

- Some say public opposition centers on less than one percent of this bill but this bill goes 100 percent in the wrong direction.

- Republicans have a better solution - fast acting tax relief for working families and small business.

- The Republican solution will create twice the jobs at half the cost and put Americans back to work.

- Congress should put everyday Americans first, put politics aside and take the time to get this right.