Pence - Efforts To 'Deem' A Budget Are A 'Fraud'

Pence: Efforts To "Deem" A Budget Are A "Fraud"

JUNE 29, 2010

"You Can’t Deem a Budget You Never Passed"

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks at a Republican Leadership press conference today:

“Good morning. We just completed our weekly meeting of the House Republican Conference and we are ready to carry the voice of the American people into this last week before the Independence Day recess.
“The American people are frustrated. In the midst of a global fiscal crisis when many nations across the Western world are making the hard choices to put their fiscal house in order, here in the United States of America, under this Congress and this administration, it’s more of the same. More borrowing, more spending, more bailouts and the American people have had it.
“It is truly extraordinary that Democrats this week, after abdicating their responsibility to create a federal budget through the ordinary process of committee drafting and floor consideration, now expect the American people to accept some effort to ‘deem’ a budget.
“House Republicans’ advice to the American people is that when it comes to a Democrat budget, don’t blink. The reality is that you can’t deem a federal budget that you never passed. For the first time in the history of this institution, since the Budget Act, Democrats will actually ‘deem’ a budget that never went through the ordinary process of choosing and deciding on the priorities of the American people.
“But more poignantly than the internal machinations of the creation of a budget, the outlining of priorities, is this Congress also cannot deem a recovery of the American economy. Budgets are important because they provide a template for the priorities of spending and revenues that provide an environment for growth.
“Republicans are committed to demanding leadership from this Congress that will get this economy moving again and get spending under control and we’ll be taking that case against this fraud of their so-called ‘deemed’ budget resolution to the American people this week.”


For additional information, contact:

The House Republican Conference Press Office at (202) 226-9000 or
Matt Lloyd (
Mary Vought (