Flatlines: ObamaCare Premiums for New Buyers Will Increase By $2,100 on Average

Family prices for the self-employed, small business workers, early retirees, and millions of others who buy their own policy will increase by $2,100 under ObamaCare.
Several states have lived under types of ObamaCare mandates – the requirements to buy insurance, guaranteed issue, and price controls through modified or pure community rating.  Maine, New Jersey, New York, and Vermont have lived under two of these mandates – guaranteed issue and price controls – for more than 10 years.  Massachusetts has imposed all three mandates on residents of the Bay State since 2006.
The New York Times summarizes New York’s experience with guaranteed issue and community rating and how those rules require New Yorkers to pay some of the highest premiums in the nation.  One customer, who pays more than $17,000 a year for health insurance, says, of the amount of money she gives to her insurance company, “That’s a lot of groceries.”

For previous ObamaCare Flatlines, visit http://www.gop.gov/obamacare.