Pence Denounces Closed Door Health Care Negotiations

Pence Denounces Closed Door Health Care Negotiations

Calls on Obama Administration to keep promise and “put it on C-SPAN”

JANUARY 5, 2010

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today in support of a request by C-SPAN that all future health care negotiations and conference committee meetings be open to the public through media coverage:

"More than a year ago, President Obama promised voters that health care negotiations would be televised.  In a mad rush to get a health care bill to the president's desk, that promise has been broken time and time again.  The recent request by C-SPAN provides the president one last chance to make good on his promise for openness in the health care debate. The American people deserve a seat at the table.  I call on the president, and the Democrat leadership, to take health care reform out of the smoke-filled rooms on Capitol Hill and to put it on C-SPAN.

"The American people continue to speak out against the Democrat plan for a government takeover of health care.  Rather than listening to their concerns, Democrats are once again preparing to meet behind closed doors to finalize their plans for a hostile takeover of one-sixth of the American economy. The American people are tired of backroom deals and big government spending.  They have a right to know how Democrats plan to pass this government takeover of health care."


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