Health Care

Health Care

JUNE 28, 2010

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Health Care: Moving Forward
Mar. 26, 2010 | Features

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN) on Health Care and Republicans moving forward.
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Rep. Pence Delivers Floor Speech on the Government Takeover of Health Care
Mar. 22, 2010 | What They're Saying

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3/20/10 Weekly Republican Address: Leader John Boehner (R-OH)
Mar. 19, 2010 | Weekly Republican Address

"Republicans can't beat this bill, but the American people can. It's not too late to make your voice heard."
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2/20/10 Weekly Republican Address: Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI)
Feb. 19, 2010 | Weekly Republican Address

Rep. Camp: "So in order to have a productive bipartisan conversation on health care, Democrats must first listen to the American people and scrap their massive government takeover of health care. We must go into the summit with a clean slate focused on making health care affordable. That is what Americans are asking for, and that is what Republicans will continue to work for."
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Democrat Rep. Sestak: Health Care Negotiations Not Transparent
Jan. 07, 2010 | What They're Saying

"They said it would be transparent. Why isn't it? At times, I find the caucus is a real disappointment. We aren't transparent, not just to the public but at times to the members." - Democrat Rep. Joe Sestak
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UPDATED: Behind Closed Doors
Jan. 06, 2010 | Features

What are the Democrats trying to hide? Speaker Pelosi adds her thoughts.
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11/26/09 Weekly Republican Address: Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN)
Nov. 26, 2009 | Weekly Republican Address

Rep. Pence: "The American people know we can't borrow and spend and bail our way back to a growing economy. ... Republicans have proposals to get our economy moving again, to achieve energy independence and lower the cost of health care."
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Republican Leadership Stakeout on Health Care and Jobs
Nov. 17, 2009 | Press Conferences

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11/14/09 Weekly Republican Address Mark Kirk
Nov. 14, 2009 | Weekly Republican Address

Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) delivers the Weekly Republican Address.
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10/31/09 Weekly Republican Address: Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH)
Oct. 30, 2009 | Weekly Republican Address

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10/17/09 Weekly Republican Address: Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX)
Oct. 16, 2009 | Weekly Republican Address

Rep. Brady: Real economic growth starts when the people who have taken the hardest hit in this recession -- our small businesses -- get back to creating jobs."
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10/14/09 Republican Leadership Stakeout
Oct. 14, 2009 | Press Conferences

House Republicans discuss the economy and health care after their weekly conference meeting.
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10/7/09 Republican Leadership Stakeout
Oct. 07, 2009 | Press Conferences

House Republicans discuss Afghanistan, the economy, and health care after their weekly conference meeting.
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Weekly Republican Address: Rep. Candice Miller (R-MI)
Oct. 03, 2009 | Weekly Republican Address

Rep. Miller: "Republicans hope that the President and Speaker Pelosi will put aside their job-killing agenda and help promote policies to get Americans working again."
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9/30/09 Republican Leadership Stakeout
Sep. 30, 2009 | Press Conferences

House Republican leaders discuss the jobs, the economy, and health care after their weekly conference meeting.
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9/23/09 Republican Leadership Stakeout
Sep. 23, 2009 | Press Conferences

House Republican leaders discuss health care after their weekly conference meeting.
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Weekly Republican Address: Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC)
Sep. 18, 2009 | Weekly Republican Address

Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC) delivers the Weekly Republican Address on health care. "These so-called health care reform bills have different names: a public option, a co-op, a trigger. Make no mistake, these are all gateways to government-run health care."
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7/14/09 Republican Leadership Stakeout
Jul. 14, 2009 | Press Conferences

House Republican leaders discuss the economy and health care.
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6/24/09 Republican Leadership Stakeout
Jun. 24, 2009 | Press Conferences

House Republican Leaders are joined by Gov. Jim Douglas (R-VT) and Gov. Mike Rounds (R-SD) as they discuss health care and energy.
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Weekly Republican Address: Rep. Charles Boustany (R-LA)
May. 16, 2009 | Weekly Republican Address

Rep. Charles Boustany (R-LA), a member of the Republican Health Care Solutions Group, discusses working with President Obama to ensure that every American has access to affordable, high-quality health coverage.
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Weekly Republican Address: Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO)
Mar. 06, 2009 | Weekly Republican Address

Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO) delivers the Weekly Republican Address on Republican's commitment to developing new and innovative solutions to fix our nation's health care system, while making sure we keep what works.
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