The Washington Examiner Spotlights GOP on Health Care Message

The Washington Examiner's Byron York spotlighted the Weekly Republican Address this weekend. The piece, entitled "GOP on Health Care: In 568 Words, What's Wrong with 1,990 Pages," can be read here. Here is an excerpt:

House Republican Leader John Boehner gave the Republican radio address today, and in 568 words made a simple and compelling case for what is wrong with the Democrats' 1,990-page health care proposal -- and for what should be done instead.

"This 1,990 pages of bureaucracy will centralize health care decision making in Washington, DC," Boehner said. "It’ll require thousands of new federal employees. It’ll put unelected boards, bureaus, and commissions in charge of who gets access to what drug and what potentially life-saving treatment."

"The best way to get a sense of what Speaker Pelosi’s takeover of health care looks like is to actually look at it," Boehner continued. "Just shy of 2,000 pages, it runs more than 620 pages longer than the government-run plan Hillary Clinton proposed in 1993."

Boehner then offered four proposals to improve the health care situation in America -- not a universal fix, but four significant improvements...

Read the rest at the Washington Examiner.