Obama vs. Obama - President Admits His Plan Will Raise Costs

Obama vs. Obama: President Admits His Plan Will Raise Costs

FEBRUARY 25, 2010

And breaks critical campaign promise in the process

THAT WAS THEN:  “For those who have insurance now, nothing will change under the Obama plan – except you will pay less.  Obama’s plan will save a typical family us to $2,500 on premiums…” (“Background Questions and Answers on Health Care Plan,” BarackObama.com)


THIS IS NOW:  “What the Congressional Budget Office is saying is, is that if I now have the opportunity to actually buy a decent package inside the exchange, that costs me about 10% to 13% more but is actually real insurance, then there are going to be a bunch of people who take advantage of that. So yes, I’m paying 10% to 13% more because instead of buying an apple, I’m getting an orange.” (President Barack Obama, Health Care Summit, 2/25/10)