Pence Calls for Spending Freeze

Pence Calls for Spending Freeze

MARCH 6, 2009

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, continuing his call for a government spending freeze:
"We come to this well at a very difficult time in the life of our nation. American families are struggling under the weight of this recession. Millions of Americans are watching as their life savings are evaporating before their eyes. My own family has been touched by the hardship in the housing crisis and by job loss. So, I come to this floor with a sense of urgency. It's a sense of urgency that was confirmed this morning with the jobs report, and a startling reality.
"But, in the midst of these very difficult times, the American people are rising to the occasion. As we speak in this well this morning, millions of Americans are doing in their small businesses and their family farms and around their kitchen tables what this Congress should be doing. They are finding places to save. They are putting off expenditures that they don't have to make this year to make sure they make ends meet for the priorities in their lives.
"Yet, this Congress by this massive omnibus bill is going on with spending as usual. An 8 percent increase in federal spending. The largest increase in a single year since I was in high school in the 1970's, apart from those months following September the 11th, is not what the American people expect to see this Congress doing. Spending as usual with thousands upon thousands of earmarks and special projects is not what the American people expect from this Congress during these difficult times. They want to see the Congress doing what they are doing. And that is making careful decisions, practicing fiscal discipline and setting aside business as usual to confront these challenging times.
"I rise today to say, as others have said, ‘let's not just do this continuing resolution for a week, but for the rest of this year.' Let's freeze federal spending in virtually every area of the government. Let's say no earmarks in the year 2009. And it's not a value judgment on the Members who have made those project requests. I, myself, don't request projects of that nature.
"But, it is to say that in these difficult times we have to do what every American family, every small-business owner and every family farmer is doing, and that is making sacrifices and practicing discipline. I urge my colleagues in both parties to join the minority today in supporting our motion to recommit. It's a motion that would essentially freeze all federal spending, say no to historic increases in spending in these difficult times, no to earmarks and say yes to the practiced values of millions of Americans in these difficult days."
Note: To view the video, click here.


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