Pence on Latest Unemployment Report

Pence on Latest Unemployment Report

“The Democrat policies of taxing, spending and bailouts are having a chilling effect on job creators across the country.”

MAY 7, 2010

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today after the Department of Labor reported the national unemployment rate for April rose to 9.9 percent:

"These are difficult times for America's families and today's unemployment report delivers even more bad news. Democrats continue to advance a liberal agenda that is doing more harm than good. The Democrat policies of taxing, spending and bailouts are having a chilling effect on job creators across the country. 

"The American people want Washington to enact policies that will help create jobs. House Republicans are ready to work on common sense solutions that will put people back to work, starting with fast-acting tax relief for working families and small businesses and fiscal discipline here in Washington."


For additional information, contact:

The House Republican Conference Press Office at (202) 226-9000 or
Matt Lloyd (
Mary Vought (