Rep. John Kline on RedState: President Renews Threat to Workers' Secret Ballot

Rep. John Kline (MN-2) posted the following blog post today on RedState:

In June of 2009, the unemployment rate surged to 9.5 percent for the first time in almost 26 years. Despite some ups and downs, today the unemployment rate continues to hover near 10 percent and 14.6 million Americans are unemployed and searching for work. I see the evidence of this every time I travel back home to Minnesota: inevitably, the first concern my constituents raise is jobs – or the lack thereof. People want to know: Where are the jobs and what is Washington doing to help create them?

Unfortunately, Washington is doing more harm than good by creating a cloud of uncertainty that is hurting job creators and the workers they hope to hire. Tax hikes, record deficit spending, and increasing government control over the economy are forcing small businesses and entrepreneurs to the sidelines of economic activity. In particular, a proposal simmering in Congress, known as “card check,” would replace a secret ballot election with a public sign-up process for workers deciding whether to join a union. As a result, the bill would drive up costs on business, increase workplace conflict, and lead to fewer jobs.

The threat of this proposal is very real. Just yesterday, President Obama promised labor bosses he would remain in the fight to pass card check. Although the proposal has been unable to garner enough support to become law, there are persistent rumors that Democrats plan to convene an end-of-year “lame duck” session in which they could muscle through unpopular measures like card check before the 112th Congress is gaveled into session in January 2011.

Read the rest on RedState.