GOP Talkers on the Pelosi Health Care Bill

GOP Talkers on the Pelosi Health Care Bill

In the dead of night, Speaker Pelosi rammed through the House of Representatives her plan for a government takeover of health care.

NOVEMBER 17, 2009
  • The Pelosi health care bill is 1,990 pages long, costs nearly $1.3 trillion, includes more than $729 billion in new taxes, and is overwhelmingly opposed by the American people.
  • Speaker Pelosi promises her bill will lower health care costs, but a new report by the Obama Administration finds that the Pelosi bill actually INCREASES costs by $289 billion over the next decade.
  • On top of this massive new spending, taxes and debt, Speaker Pelosi is pushing forward with a "doc fix" bill that will add more than $200 billion to the deficit over the next ten years.
  • The "doc fix" is an important part of the health care debate, yet Speaker Pelosi did not include it in her health care bill to disguise the real cost of her health care plan.
  • This represents more of the same budget gimmicks Democrats in Washington have used to deceive the American people about the true costs of their liberal agenda.
  • The new study by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) also found that the Pelosi health care bill will make it difficult for seniors and employees to keep their current health care, "possibly jeopardizing access to care for beneficiaries."
  • The CMS study confirms what every American knows: the Pelosi health care bill will raise health care costs and force millions of Americans to lose their current health coverage.
  • One recent WellPoint study estimated that younger Americans could see their health care premiums triple and a family of four could see their health care premiums more than double.
  • House Republicans have a simpler and less expensive health care plan that reduces health care costs by letting individuals buy health care across state lines, allowing small businesses to pool together to purchase health care at a lower cost, and by reining in junk lawsuits.
  • The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that the House Republican common-sense plan will lower health care premiums by up to 10 percent and reduce deficits by $68 billion over ten years.
  • House Republicans stand by the American people in support of responsible health care reform that lowers costs and offers greater access to affordable health care.
  • President Obama and Speaker Pelosi need to start over on their health care plan. House Republicans are ready to work on bipartisan solutions to health care reform.