Speaker Pelosi’s Believe It Or Not

Speaker Pelosi’s Believe It Or Not

“They Put WHAT In the Health Care Bill?”

NOVEMBER 2, 2009

In order to assist Members, staff, and interested parties seeking to read and review Speaker Pelosi's government takeover of health care (H.R. 3962), the Republican Conference has compiled a list of egregious, questionable, or potentially absurd page numbers and provisions in the 1,990-page health care bill:

Page 122-Section 233(a)(3) requires the Commissioner-the new insurance "czar"-to "issue guidance on best practices of plain language writing"-this from the same people who wrote a 1,990 page health care bill

Page 183-Section 305(a) gives the Commissioner the power to enlist "appropriate entities" like Planned Parenthood and ACORN to engage in "outreach to specific vulnerable populations" about the bill's new programs

 Page 216-Section 322(b)(3) prohibits "any federal funds for purposes of insolvency" from being directed toward the government-run health plan-an anti-bailout provision that may seem implausible given Democrats' role in advancing legislation to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Page 872-Section 1433 requires the director of food services at nursing facilities participating in Medicare and Medicaid to hold "military, academic, or other qualifications" as determined by federal bureaucrats

 Page 1067-Section 1729 requires States to cover incarcerated juveniles previously enrolled in Medicaid after their release "unless and until there is a determination that the individual is no longer eligible"

Page 1183-Section 1904 provides $750 million in federal funding for a new entitlement program to offer "knowledge of realistic expectations of age-appropriate child behaviors" and "skills [for parents] to interact with their child"

Page 1255-Sections 2231-2235 make veterinary students eligible for up to $283 million in federal scholarship and student loan forgiveness funding

 Page 1432-Section 2531 provides incentive payments to States that enact new medical liability laws-but only if such laws do "not limit attorneys' fees or impose caps on damages"

Page 1515-Section 2572(b) imposes labeling requirements on all vending machines nationwide, in addition to new mandates by the federal government on all restaurants with more than 20 locations

Page 1925-Section 3101 creates a new program within the Indian Health Service to provide federal funding for "perpetrators of child sexual abuse who are Indian or members of an Indian household"