Blog Posts from October 2009

Pelosi's Health Care Plan Facts and Details Round 3

We'll be updating you with new finds from the Pelosi health care bill this weekend so stay tuned! Here are some of our latest finds: -- Page 1793: There is a Davis-Bacon expansion in the Indian Health Service titles. Right now, Davis-Bacon applies only to facilities directly constructed by the IHS, but the language below would extend that to [...]  More

Pelosi's Health Care Plan Facts and Details Round 3

We'll be updating you with new finds from the Pelosi health care bill this weekend so stay tuned! Here are some of our latest finds: -- Page 872: Includes language regulating the qualifications of the food services director at all nursing homes receiving reimbursement under Medicare and Medicaid.  Language here: (a) MEDICARE.—Section 181 [...]  More

It’s Time for Rangel and Geithner to Pony Up

By John Carter (TX-31)   This week, I took to the House Floor to explain an unfortunate situation.   I was the subject of several false attacks that I failed to pay income tax on 2006 and 2007 sales of Exxon-Mobil stock that I own. The allegations were wrong; I paid my taxes, and even reported my sales on House Disclosure Forms. None of [...]  More

Fact Check and Details About Pelosi's Government-Run Health Care Bill Round 2

Today, we will continue to update and inform you about the facts inside House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's government-run health care plan, unveiled yesterday. Time is ticking for legislators to read the 1,990 page bill in full and House Republicans want to make sure everything in the bill is exposed. Don't forget to check out yesterday's long list of i [...]  More

Fact Check and Details About Pelosi's Government-Run Health Care Bill

We will keep you updated with the latest facts and finds about the Democrats' health care bill here. You can find the text and PDF of that bill and other relevant documents here. The most recent finds will be at the top. Here you go: -- Reading Guide -- Pelosi's Health Care "Reform" Bill -- Page 183: The Commissioner (i.e. the health insurance cza [...]  More

Pence Calls Pelosi Health Care Bill A “Freight Train of Mandates, Taxes and Bureaucracy”

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence appeared on Fox News, MSNBC and CNN today to discuss the Democrats' health care bill. You can view each of those appearences here. Here is a preview, with the apperance CNN:  Watch the rest here.   More

House Republicans Respond to Pelosi's Health Care Bill

House Leader John Boehner (OH): The American people have spoken. Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats have ignored them.  Through the month of August, the American people let Members of Congress from both parties know that they didn’t want a government takeover of health care.  That hasn’t changed. But instead of listening to [...]  More

Democrat Health Care Bill to Cost Over $2 Billion

The Democrat's 1,990 page health care bill will cost more than $200 billion and contains the word "shall" 3,425 times. Additionally, there is a 13-page bill to repeal the sustainable growth rate caps on Medicare spending. You can find the text of the first bill here and shorter bill here. Find Republican alternatives on health care here.    More

Democrats' Health Care Bill Text

The text of the Democrats' health care bill can be found here. It is 1,990 pages long -- start reading!  More

Democrat Health Care Bill to Include Public Option

After a widely circulated email from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office announced a health care press conference scheduled for this morning, the rumors that she would unveil a bill began. Apparently, they are true. The Washington Post reports today that the Democrat health care bill will include a public option, to be revealed today. The Post rep [...]  More

Carter Posts Federal Tax Returns Online, Dares Rangel and Geithner to Do the Same

From the office of Rep. John Carter (TX): Congressman John Carter (R-TX) today posted his federal tax returns for 2006 and 2007 online to silence false media attacks that he failed to pay income tax on sales of Exxon-Mobile stock. And the former Texas Judge dared House Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel (D-NY) and U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim G [...]  More

Pence Denounces President’s Support for Hate-crimes Legislation

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement after President Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 that included so-called ‘hate crimes’ legislation: Today, the president of the United States put his liberal social priorities ahead o [...]  More

Pence Commends Passage of Iran Sanctions in Foreign Affairs Committee

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence delivered the following opening statement during a full House Foreign Affairs Committee markup of H.R. 2194, the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act of 2009, which passed unanimously: Get the full text here.   More

Pence: New Study Reports Rising Health Care Costs Under Democrat Plan

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks today to highlight a new study that documents the consequences for families and small business as a result of the Democrat plan for a government takeover of health care: You know, sometimes I like to say Washington, D.C. is the world capital o [...]  More

McCotter's Appearance on Politico's "Click"

Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (MI) participated in a segment of Politico's "Click" with columnist Patrick Gavin. Gavin regularly interviews prominent political figures about less serious topics over a game of their choice. McCotter's choice? Crossword puzzles. Watch it here:   More

House Republicans Push Forward on Twitter

We've told you this before, but GOPers continue to dominate on Twitter. Thanks to TweetCongress, you can easily keep track of your favorite House Republicans. More and more of your representatives are tapping into the power of Twitter to communicate effectively with constituents. Don't forget to follow these folks and stay tuned for more highlight [...]  More

Human Events: Republicans Aim to Inform Seniors of True Cost of Dems' Reform

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence was quoted in a Human Events piece today, titled "Republicans Aim to Inform Seniors of True Cost of Dems Reform." Read the following excerpt with the quote: Republicans still battling for responsible health care reform in Congress will move the focus this week to the plan’s impact on seniors, s [...]  More

Aderholt on Red County: Listen to Our Military Commanders

Rep. Robert Aderholt (AL) published a great piece on Red County today, urging President Obama to listen to our military commanders. Please see the following excerpt: Eight years ago, the United States led an invasion of Afghanistan with the purpose of hunting down and defeating Osama bin Laden, al-Qaida and its extremist allies. However, the war s [...]  More

Today's House Republican Leadership Press Conference

Here is the transcript for today's House Republican Leadership Press Conferenc You can find photos and audio by clicking here. Conference Chairman Pence:   This administration is speaking of late about a growing consensus in America. We believe there is a growing consensus that the American people want to see health care reform that lowers t [...]  More

Pence Says Democrat Health Care Bill “Bad Deal for Taxpayers But Worse Deal for Seniors”

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks today on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in opposition to the Democrat plan for a government takeover of health care that will cut seniors’ health care coverage: At nearly $1 trillion in spending and tax increases, the Dem [...]  More

Washington Post Reports: AARP: Reform Advocate and Insurance Salesman

Following on's reporting on Democrats back room deals benefitting AARP, the Washington Post today exposes the AARP's deception in their support of health care reform. Read the following opening paragraphs: The nation's preeminent seniors group, AARP, has put the weight of its 40 million members behind health-care reform, saying many of the [...]  More

Cantor: It's Time for A Bipartisan Health Bill

House Minority Whip Eric Cantor wrote published a piece on today. See an excerpt of "It's Time for a Bipartisan Health Bill": Given the heated rhetoric and sharp partisan divides that have characterized this year's debate, it's easy to forget that there are several key reforms in health care that Democrats and Republicans can agree on. Unf [...]  More

Rep. Todd Akin: Who Are Obama's Czars and Where Are They in the Constitution?

Rep. Todd Akin (MO) published a piece today on the New Ledger. This piece on President Obama's czars is particularly thought provoking. Here's an excerpt: Here’s a question worth answering: why does President Obama appear so eager to appoint “czars,” while leaving positions requiring Senate confirmation unfilled? Recently, Senato [...]  More

One Trillion, Four Hundred Twenty Billion Dollars

by Rep. Frank Lucas (OK) One trillion, four hundred twenty billion dollars.  It’s an astounding number.  It’s more than the entire economy of India and enough to give every man, woman, and child in the United States $4700.   It is also our country’s federal budget deficit for 2009.  That means that in the fisc [...]  More

Pence Calls on President to "Act Decisively" on Afghanistan

Congressman Mike Pence issued the following statement, urging President Obama to act decisively in fully resourcing a counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan: President Obama faces a choice of whether to adequately equip the military in Afghanistan or lose the war to defeat al Qaeda and the Taliban.   General Stanley McChrystal, who was bro [...]  More

Exclusive New Video: "Behind Closed Doors" just released an exclusive new video, "Behind Closed Doors." What are the Democrats trying to hide? Watch our video, which was just released on Fox News' Neil Cavuto Show:   More

Reichert: AARP Leaves Questions Unanswered

Rep. Dave Reichert (WA) published a blog post today: "AARP Leaves Questions Unaswered." Please read the following excerpt: This bill would make great strides for all of our members and their families….” AARP said July 14, as House Committees prepared to review and amend the health care overhaul bill in the House which contains nearl [...]  More

Pence Defends Conservative Media

As the White House battle against conservative commentators on radio and television continues, House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence spoke out against the bias. Key quote: "So to my friends in the so-called mainstream media, I say, conservative talk show hosts may not speak for everybody but they speak for more Americans than you do."   More

Rep. Phil Roe on Fox Business News

Congressman Dr. Phil Roe (R-TN) appeared on FOX Business News for a debate on health care with Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY). Watch that clip below:   More

Ace of Spades Interviews Rep. Thaddeus McCotter

One of the conservative blogosphere's most popular bloggers, Ace of Spades, recently sat down for an interview with Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (MI). See how the interview went below but don't forget to visit Ace of Spades HQ:   More

Today's House Republican Leadership Press Conference

Check out today's House Republican Leadership Press Conference. A transcript follows the video: Conference Chairman Pence:   Good morning. We just completed our weekly meeting of the House Republican Conference. Now that health care reform has moved out of the public eye and into the smoke-filled rooms here on Capitol Hill, Republicans are m [...]  More

Pence Calls for Transparency in Health Care Debate and Real Help to Small Businesses

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following remarks regarding the health care debate on Capitol Hill and President Obama’s small business announcement at a House Republican press conference this morning: Now that health care reform has moved out of the public eye and into the smoke-filled room [...]  More

Video: Congressman Thaddeus McCotter Sounds Off

Key quote from this exclusive interview with Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (MI): "I think the problem that we're seeing is the American public understands that while they know there are reforms necessary in the health care system their number one concern is the economy."   More

Candidate Obama Vs. President Obama

From our policy news: Even as he campaigned on a platform of change and transparency, an examination of Barack Obama's comments during the election-and his actions since taking office-indicates that on both politics and policy, the President has changed his tune on numerous issues of relevance to the proposed government takeover of health care, wh [...]  More

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Interviewed At Western CPAC

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (CA) was interviewed by Hot Air's Ed Morrissey at the recent Western Conservative Political Action Conference (WPAC) in California. Candid as usual, Rohrabacher provided a great interview for a top conservative blog. Morrissey excerpted several key quotes and you can watch the first of a three-part-interview series below: Se [...]  More

Newsfifty: Find Conservative News Here

You will find some of the latest news on your favorite House Republicans by visiting the newly redesigned Newsfifty web site. Newsfifty offers news from all 50 states in a Drudge-style compilation of each. The front page is a breaking national news site with easy access to specific news from each. state. Newsfifty staff works hard to hand pick the [...]  More

The Weekly Republican Address With Rep. Kevin Brady

Rep. Kevin Brady (TX) delivered this week's Weekly Republican Address: "Real economic growth starts when the people who have taken the hardest hit in this recession -- our small businesses -- get back to creating jobs." Watch it here:   More

House Republicans in the Blogosphere

House Republicans continue to make a splash around the blogosphere. Here is a selection of some of our posts from the past week: A Defense Bill Should Be About Defense — Not Liberal Social Policies Townhall By Rep. Mike Pence Rep. Michael Burgess, M.D. Talks Health Care at Conservatives with Attitude! Conservatives with Attitude! By Rep. Mi [...]  More

Rep. Michele Bachmann on Free Trade Agreements

Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN) posted a guest blog at the Foundry blog. Read the following excerpt: Each day in Minnesota and all across the nation, billions of dollars worth of products begin their journey to be sold overseas. American farmers, manufacturers, and businesses rely on exports to strengthen and grow both their bottom line, as well as our [...]  More

Pence Talks Health Care on Fox News

House Republian Conference Chairman Mike Pence appeared with Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA) yesterday on Fox News to discuss health care. Watch the clip at Real Clear Politics.   More

Pence: “Where Are the Jobs?”

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today after the White House announced federal contracts, totaling $16 billion, awarded under the so-called stimulus program have created less than 31,000 jobs: The White House says it’s too early to draw any ‘conclusions,’ but [...]  More

Rep. Joe Barton At the Foundry: Obama’s Health Care Promises

Rep. Joe Barton (TX) published a blog post on the Foundry. See the following excerpt: When President Obama spoke to Congress on his health care plan, I was thinking about the 16-day stretch in July during which his bill was being assembled on Capitol Hill. That’s because so much of what he told us, whether about deficits, illegal aliens or a [...]  More

Examiner: 53 House Republicans Call on Obama to Fire Kevin Jennings

The Washington Examiner reports: A group of 53 Republican members of the House has sent a letter to the president asking for the removal of Kevin Jennings, the gay activist who now runs the Education Department's Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools. "It is clear that Mr. Jennings lacks the appropriate qualifications and ethical standards to serve [...]  More

Kline: Federal Curriculum 101

Rep. John Kline (MN) published a a blog post on RedState. See the following excerpt: Last month, I joined 170 of my colleagues in voting ‘no’ on legislation that would dramatically expand the tentacles of the federal government into our nation’s classrooms. At the time, most of the attention given to the bill – both positiv [...]  More

Today's House Republican Leadership Press Conference

- Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) - Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) - Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-IN) - Republican Conference Vice Chair, Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) - Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) Get the full transcript here.   More

Royce: White House Distinction Between Taliban and Al-Qaeda Is Alarming

Rep. Ed Royce (CA) regularly blogs on His latest post focuses on the White House's understanding of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. See the following excerpt: It has been a frightening few days of headlines coming out of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Making matters worse, if press leaks are true, discussions in President Obama's war room [...]  More

New Video: Voices of Republican Doctors

From the office of House Republican Whip Eric Cantor: As the health care debate continues in Washington, we wanted to make sure that you had a chance to hear what the Doctors who serve in the United States Congress think of the issue.  As medical professionals who have spent decades providing medical care to actual patients, they have real co [...]  More

Pence Disputes President’s Claim of Health Care Consensus

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, delivered the following remarks today on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in response to President Obama’s assertion in his weekly radio address last week that there is an “unprecedented consensus” behind a government takeover of health care: [...]  More

Forbes' Health Care Playbook

Rep. J. Randy Forbes (VA) recently published a "health care playbook" to take on the health care reform fight in America. With offensive plays and defensive schemes, Forbes offers goals and ideas for reforming health care the right way. See the following document to go with the the playbook: Baucus’ “America’s Healthy Future Act& [...]  More

Cassidy: How the Baucus Bill Raises Costs

Rep. Bill Cassidy (LA) published a guest post at the Foundry blog today on how the Baucus health care plan will raise costs: Lost in the glowing coverage of the Congressional Budget Office’s “favorable” estimate of Sen. Max Baucus’ health care bill is an astounding fact: it doesn’t lower health care costs. Although th [...]  More

Shadegg: Democrats Using 'Budget Gimmicks' on Health Care

by Rep. John Shadegg (AZ) Now, more than ever, American families are living on strict budgets. If we have learned anything from the economic downturn, it’s that we must be cautious about how we spend our hard-earned money. However, Congressional Democrats continue to set the rules of the health care debate on their own terms, using budget gi [...]  More Follows House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence

The Washington Times' new venture is a website called The As part of their endeavour to "reinvent the Right," the site is plugged into notable conservatives across the Internet. They are tracking conservative politicians, media figures and more on a section called "Right People Across the Web." House Republican Conference Chairm [...]  More

A Defense Bill Should Be About Defense — Not Liberal Social Policies

House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence published a blog post on Townhall Friday. "A Defense Bill Should Be About Defense -- Not Liberal Social Policies" hit the message hard. See the following excerpt: Throughout my nearly nine years in Congress, I have been downrange with our troops every year in Afghanistan and Iraq.  I also suppor [...]  More

Rep. Erik Paulsen: Greater Free Trade Means More Jobs

Rep. Erik Paulsen (MN) published a guest post on the Foundry blog today. Please see the following excerpt: The government is spending hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars attempting to stimulate the economy, but it’s clear these spending programs are not achieving the results we need. Instead, the economy continues to shed jobs. Unemploy [...]  More

Burgess Talks Health Care on Fox Business

Rep. Michael Burgess, M.D. (TX) continued his efforts to promote postive options for health care reform on Fox Business:   More

Rep. McCotter to To President Obama: "Choose Victory" in Afghanistan

As the President considers possible strategies for Afghanistan, U.S. Representative Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI), who chairs the House Republican Policy Committee, took to the House floor last night to urge the President to chose victory: The President is now faced with a momentous decision.  The decision is whether we shall have victory or we sh [...]  More

Akin: Advancing the Liberal Agenda on the Backs of Our Troops

Rep. Todd Akin (MO) wrote a blog post on the National Defense Authorization Act at Townhall. See an excerpt: Today the House considered the conference report on the National Defense Authorization Act—the annual bill that sets out the budget and policy for our military.  As a member of the Armed Services Committee, I have played a role i [...]  More

Pence: “Defense Bill A Vehicle for Liberal Social Policies Wholly Unrelated to Our Country’s National Security”

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today on the House floor to oppose the Democrats’ attachment of the hate crimes bill to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010: Throughout my nearly nine years in Congress, I have been downrange with our troops every ye [...]  More

McMorris Rodgers Moves GOP Ahead in New Media

House Republican Conference Vice-Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers' office recently launched a text messaging endeavor that helps bring Republicans up to speed on new media efforts. See coverage of this effort in The Hill today: The House GOP Conference has signed a contract with a text-messaging company as Republicans race to get up to speed on new-me [...]  More

Granger: A Dangerous Walk Away From Missile Defense

Rep. Kay Granger (TX) published her debut post on the new conservative Republican website for women, American Maggie, today. Tackling the issue of missile defense, Granger urges the Obama Administration to reconsider their recent decision to abandon missile defense sites in Europe. Read the following excerpt: The decision to abandon the missile de [...]  More

Republican Leadership Press Conference Today

House Republican Leadership held their weekly press conference today. See the coverage here:   More

Price and Coffman Urge: No Compromise of Afghanistan

Rep. Tom Price (GA) and Rep. Mike Coffman (CO) published a piece today in Human Events urging President Obama not to compromise on Afghanistan. Read an excerpt: Right now, as commander-in-chief, President Obama must lead on Afghanistan, or we risk losing what he has described as the "central front" in our battle against al Qaeda. This past March, [...]  More

Carter: Why It's Time for Rangel to Step Down

Rep. John Carter (R-TX) has lead the charge against Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel (D-NY), who has consistently failed to disclose financial assets. Today, Congressman Carter brings a resolution to the House floor to remove Rangel from his position, after asking him to voluntarily resign first. Please read the following key exc [...]  More

Rep. Darrell Issa Battles the Head of ACORN on Fox News

Rep. Darrell Issa (CA) and Bertha Lewis, the CEO of ACORN, appeared on Fox News to discuss the continuing saga of the fallen organization: h/t: Townhall  More

It's Time to Make E-Verify Permanent

Rep. Paul Broun, M.D. (GA) published a recent blog post at the Hill, focused on the importance of the "E-Verify" program. Check out the blog post here: Last week, another extension was needed for the E-Verify program to remain effective. The E-Verify (formerly known as the Basic Pilot/Employment Eligibility Verification Program) is an Internet-bas [...]  More

Spotlight On: "Read the Bill" Legislation

Rep. Geoff Davis (KY) touched on important "Read the Bill" legislation in his weekly column, as House Republicans are devoted to ensuring time to fully read lengthy bills before they are voted on. Rep. Greg Walden (OR) has been one the most vocal supporters of "Read the Bill" legislation as well. Read and excerpt of Congressman Davis' column and w [...]  More

Inside Democrats' Opposition to Transparency and Accountability

From the office of House Leader John Boehner: Read the bill” reform has gained the support of an overwhelming majority of Americans, widely respected government watchdogs, and even some rank-and-file Democrats. Yet, Democratic leaders continue to protect the status quo, refusing to allow a vote on a resolution requiring a 72-hour review per [...]  More

Bilrakis: American Vulnerable to Iranian Missile Attack

Rep. Gus Bilraikis (FL) published an op/ed in the Hill today, entitled "America Vulnerable to Iranian Missile Attack." See the following excerpt: On Sept. 17, 2009, 70 years to the day that the Red Army invaded Poland, President Obama pulled the plug on the U.S. plan to establish a missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic. This iron [...]  More

Pence At the Defending the American Dream Summit

Rep. Mike Pence (IN) delivered a speech to attendees of The Defending the American Dream Summit. Politico's Jonathan Martin covered the event. See the following excerpt: Pence, the House GOP conference chairman, said the simmering unrest that led to tea parties since the spring and the march in Washington last month reflected a country angry about [...]  More

Rep. Michael Burgess, M.D. on Health Care Reform

The latest video to constituents from Rep. Michael Burgess, M.D. (TX):   More

Weekly Republican Address: Rep. Candice Miller (R-MI)

Watch this week's Republican address:   More

Pence Statement on Latest Unemployment Figures

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, made the following statement today after the Department of Labor announced the national unemployment rate for the month of September was 9.8 percent: American families are hurting as our economy continues to shed jobs.  As unemployment continues to climb [...]  More

Pence to Keynote Ronald Reagan Dinner At Americans for Prosperity’s Defending the American Dream Summit Today

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN), Chairman of the House Republican Conference, will keynote the Ronald Reagan Dinner at Americans for Prosperity’s Defending the American Dream Summit.  More

TV Stars: A Few Clips From House Republicans

House Republicans continue to make television appearances regularly to support their issues. Here are a few clips to check out: Rep. Darrell Issa (CA) on Fox News Rep. John Carter (TX) on Fox News. Rep. Ed Royce (CA) on CNBC.   More

Politico's Piece on Rep. Patrick McHenry

In a new edition of Politico's "Click," Rep. Patrick McHenry (NC) goes one on one with Patrick Gavin playing the "Wii." Check out "McHenry's a 'WII' Man" here:   More

House Republicans Guest Post Across the Blogosphere

House Republicans have done a fantastic job with communications efforts in the blogosphere as of late. Check out a few of our latest posts: The Huffington Post: Unhappy Fiscal New Year by Rep. Jason Chaffetz (UT) Red County: Transparency Wil Help Restore the Public Trust by Rep. John Culberson (TX) Smart Girl Nation: "Sack" the Czars by Rep. Stev [...]  More