Republicans Stand Together on the Budget

It was a special day for Republicans on Capitol Hill, as House and Senate leaders gathered for a rare bi-cameral conference and press conference meeting. Last week, the House revealed their budget blueprint in a document titled "The Republican Road to Recovery" and today the details of that plan were expanded.

In a Wall Street Journal article today, ranking member on the Budget Committee Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) wrote of the Republicans' four main goals: 1) fulfill the mission of health and retirement security; 2) control our nation's debts; 3) put the economy on a path of growth and leadership in the global economy; and 4) preserve the American legacy of leaving the next generation better off.

I recommend reading the entirety of Ryan's piece, which outlines the plan in readable detail. He also released a statement today, excerpted here:

"The House Republican budget alternative reflects the firm belief that America's greatest strengths lie in Americans themselves. Empowering Washington to micro-manage our personal affairs threatens prosperity; encouraging the creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of the American people restores prosperity.  The stakes of this budget debate could not be higher; and the choice for a stronger, more secure, and more prosperous future could not be more clear."

You can find lniks to the full alternative, a summary of the full alternative, a comparison of Republicans' versus Democrats' budge plans and the legislative text on this link at