The Definition of Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results.

The Definition of Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results.

JULY 21, 2010

Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (July 21, 2010): “We’re talking about jobs, jobs, jobs.
Guess the “pivot to jobs” didn’t work the first dozen times they tried it.
New York Times (May 17, 2010):  Democrats Shifting Focus Back to Jobs Creation.
Politics Daily (May 12, 2010): For Obama, Democrats and Republicans, Focus on Jobs Is Not Job 1
Bloomberg (April 27, 2010): Obama to focus on jobs, economy in two-day Midwest trip
FOX News (February 23, 2010): Despite Health Care Summit, Democrats Insist Economy Is Main Focus
Roll Call (January 28, 2010): Democrats Pleased by Renewed Focus on Jobs
Reuters (January 27, 2010): Obama to recast agenda to focus on jobs, deficit
Washington Post (January 21, 2010): After Massachusetts Loss, Democrats Vow to Focus on the Economy
The Hill (January 13, 2010): House Democrats turn focus to economy
Politico (January 8, 2009): President Obama pivots to jobs as key theme
Roll Call (December 5, 2009): Obama Promises Focus on Jobs; GOP Returns to Health Care Critique
The Hill (December 3, 2009): Hoyer: Dems need to focus on economy to avoid mid-term losses
The Hill (November 24, 2009): Dem lawmakers shift their focus to jobs package, away from economic ‘stimulus’