GOP Talkers on Democrats’ Government Takeover of Health Care

GOP Talkers on Democrats’ Government Takeover of Health Care

The Democrats’ health care plan will likely cause you to lose your health insurance, and may cause you to lose your job.

JULY 17, 2009
  • During the worst recession in a generation Democrats propose a government takeover of health care that will lead to fewer jobs, higher taxes, and less health coverage.

  • Since the recession began, six million jobs have been lost. Yet the Democrats' health care plan includes hundreds of billions of dollars in new tax hikes on small businesses - the engine of job creation in this country. Democrats propose more than $800 billion in new tax hikes.

  • According to economic modeling by the president's own chief economic advisor, the business tax hikes alone would destroy up to 4.7 million jobs.

  • Despite claims their reform will reduce health care costs, CBO Director Elmendorf told Congress that the Democrats' proposed reform will only INCREASE future federal spending on health care.

  • Democrats also propose harmful cuts to Medicare Advantage that will result in millions of seniors losing their health coverage.

  • An independent analysis by the non-partisan Lewin Group found that 114 million Americans would lose their current health insurance.

  • The American people want real solutions to get our economy back on track, not another excuse to raise taxes on small businesses and working families.

  • House Republicans will oppose any plan that puts Washington bureaucrats between patients and the care they need.

  • House Republicans have a plan for reform that expands access to affordable health care and gives families the freedom to choose the health care that fits their needs - without imposing a job-killing tax hike on small businesses and working families.