Chairing the Subcommittee

Congresswoman Sánchez, As Chair of the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law, speaks to staff attorneys during a hearing.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus

Congresswoman Sánchez meets with other members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

Keeping Kids Safe in School

Congresswoman Sánchez meets with students at Dexter Middle School to talk about the importance of online safety.

Voting for Working Families

Congresswoman Sánchez takes a break between voting to sit with her family; husband Jim Sullivan, son Joaquin, and step-sons Brendan, Jack, and Seamus.

Protecting middle class jobs

Congresswoman Sánchez speaks to the Teamsters Union about the importance of protecting middle class jobs.

Paramount Post Office

Congresswoman Sánchez dedicates the newly improved Paramount Post Office, for which she helped with federal funding.

Meeting at the White House

Ways & Means member Congresswoman Linda Sánchez attends a meeting with President Obama at the White House to discuss health care proposals with President Obama.

Healthcare Forum

Healthcare Forum

What’s In The Health Reform Bill For You?

On March 23, 2010 President Obama signed the health insurance reform bill into law that will ensure all Americans have access to quality, affordable health care and significantly reduce long-term ...

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Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Linda Helping You

As part of the effort to encourage job growth, Congresswoman Sánchez is leading the Congressional Task Force on Job Creation which focuses on bringing new and innovative ideas to restore the promise of the middle class and work to create new jobs. Congresswoman Sánchez will guide the task force toward implementing effective policies that strengthen our economy and put Americans back to ...

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Rep. Linda Sánchez Statement on U.S. - South Korea Free Trade Agreement

December 3, 2010

Rep. Linda Sánchez released the following statement regarding the deal reached today on the U.S. - South Korea Free Trade Agreement:"While I share the Administration's desire to increase our exports around the world, I was hoping my recent meeting with the President would convince him that this agreement needs improvements beyond auto and beef provisions. There are still fundamental flaws in the agreement, particularly with respect to the labor and investment chapters and textile tariff reductions. These provisions send jobs offshore and make it harder for American workers and companies to compete. Without changes to benefit working families in the 39th district of California, I cannot support this ...

Congresswoman Linda Sánchez Applauds Passage of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act

December 2, 2010

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Linda Sánchez proudly voted in favor of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. This legislation will help the 540,000 children in Los Angeles County who live in poverty and the 3 million children across California using food and nutrition assistance programs have access to the fresh, quality foods they need in order to combat obesity, end hunger, and grow up healthy.In Los Angeles County alone, more than 587,000 children receive meals through the National School Lunch Program and over 275,000 students utilize the School Breakfast Program. “As a mother, I understand how important it is for kids to eat healthy, well-rounded meals,” said Rep. Linda Sánchez. “Hunger and obesity among our children have reached unprecedented levels, but with this bill, more children will have access to fresher, better quality foods, in their homes, schools, and communities.”The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act ...

Over 60 House Democrats Demand Republicans Who Called for Health Care Repeal to ‘Walk the Walk’

November 23, 2010

(Washington, D.C.) –Today, Reps. Joseph Crowley (D-NY), Linda Sánchez (D-CA), Donna F. Edwards (D-MD) and Tim Ryan (D-OH) along with 57 other House Democrats formally sent a letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker-elect John Boehner requesting an update on which Republican members and members-elect who have called for a repeal of the Affordable Care Act will decline their own taxpayer-subsidized health care. The letter is in response to a November 16 article in Politico, where it was reported that Rep.-elect Andy Harris (R-MD), who ran on a platform of repealing the Affordable Care Act, raised concerns during an orientation seminar over the gap in coverage he would incur when receiving his health care benefits through the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP). Harris questioned one of the many problems with America’s current health care system– coverage gaps. Most Americans also face a gap in coverage when ...

Congresswoman Linda Sánchez Discusses Trade With President Obama

November 18, 2010

Washington, DC – Today, Representative Linda Sánchez, along with other members of the House Trade Working Group, visited the White House to discuss the U.S. - Korea Free Trade Agreement with President Obama. The free trade agreement was signed during the Bush Administration, but never sent to Congress for approval. President Obama announced in June that he would try to resolve lingering issues by the time of the next G-20 summit in November and present the deal to Congress shortly after the November elections. However, at the summit, President Obama announced that the Administration had been unable to reach an accord with Korea. “As a member of the President’s Export Council, I share his goal to double our exports in five years,” said Rep. Linda Sánchez. “That includes increasing our exports to the Republic of Korea, but accomplishing the goal will require stronger guarantees of workers’ ...

Congresswoman Linda Sánchez Names Hawaiian Gardens Man “Veteran of the Month”

November 10, 2010

Washington, DC – On Tuesday, Congresswoman Linda Sánchez continued her monthly veterans’ outreach program and named retired U.S. Army Master Sergeant Robert Luckel of the City of Hawaiian Gardens as the 39th Congressional District’s ”Veteran of the Month.” Mr. Luckel was chosen by Congresswoman Sánchez’ Veterans Advisory Council. Robert Luckel, a World War II combat veteran, began his military career in 1940 by enlisting with the U.S. Army. While serving, he was assigned to a RECON division as Chief of Communications and did a tour of duty in the South Pacific. Mr. Luckel’s courage and heroism while in combat earned him many awards and medals, including the Bronze Star. He retired from the U.S. Army at the rank of Master Sergeant after 30 years of service. He also served as a reserve with the Army National Guard. “Mr. Luckel’s sacrifice to our nation cannot be ...

1,670 Seniors in California’s 39th Congressional District Have Already Received “Donut Hole” Checks As a Result of Health Reform

October 29, 2010

Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. Linda Sanchez announced that 1,670 seniors in California’s 39th District have received the $250 ‘donut hole’ checks, according to new data. The checks were provided by the health reform law, to begin to close the Medicare prescription drug coverage gap. In total, these seniors in her district have received a total of $417,500 to help pay their high drug costs. Additionally, 5,130 seniors in the 39th District are expected to enter the donut hole before the end of 2010 and will also receive a $250 check to help with their prescription drug costs. By the end of the year, a total of 6,800 seniors in the district will have received $1.7 million in assistance to help cover the cost of their drugs.“The high cost of prescription drugs strains the finances of too many seniors,” said Rep. Linda Sánchez. “These checks are ...

Rep. Linda Sánchez Receives a 100% Civil Rights Rating from The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

October 28, 2010

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Linda Sánchez received a 100% Civil Rights Rating from The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights on its scorecard for the 111th Congress. The Leadership Conference is dedicated to promoting and protecting the civil and human rights of all people in the United States.“I’m proud to support legislation that promotes a more open and just society for all people,” said Rep. Linda Sánchez. “America prides itself on being the land of opportunity--to keep that dream alive, I am dedicated to working to promote and defend the important constitutional and moral principles of equality and justice for all.”The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights reviewed eighteen votes in the House of Representatives to determine its rankings this year. The legislative topics reviewed this year include economic recovery, hate crimes, healthcare, national defense, equal pay for equal work, and financial and mortgage reform.To ...


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