America's New Health Care System Revealed (VISUAL)

Rep. Kevin Brady (TX), senior House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, is back with a new and revised health chart that showcases the endless bureacracy Americans face under the newly passed ObamaCare legislation. See this powerful visual below:

From the Joint Economic Committee:

Four months after U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi famously declared “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it,” a congressional panel has released the first  chart illustrating the 2,801 page health care law President Obama signed into law in March.  

 Developed by the Joint Economic Committee minority, led by U.S Senator Sam Brownback of  Kansas and Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas, the detailed organization chart displays a bewildering array of new government agencies, regulations and mandates.   

 “For Americans, as well as Congressional Democrats who didn’t bother to read the bill, this first look at the final health care law confirms what many fear, that reform morphed into a monstrosity of new bureaucracies, mandates, taxes and rationing that will drive up health care costs, hurt seniors and force our most intimate health care choices into the hands of Washington bureaucrats,” said Brady, the committee’s senior House Republican. “If this is what passes for health care reform in America, then God help us all.”

Read more on that here.