President Obama to Skip Details in Health Care Townhall

President Obama to Skip Details in Health Care Townhall

JUNE 8, 2010

Today, President Obama will attempt to sell his health care plan to the public in a national tele-townhall meeting.  He won't mention these details about ObamaCare.   


Don't expect Congressional Democrats to tell the public about these details either.  The New York Times reports, "Democrats Skip Town Halls to Avoid Voter Rage."


Higher Health Insurance Prices


$2,100 more for families:  The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has predicted that early retirees, the self-employed, small business workers, and millions of others who buy family coverage in the individual market will pay $2,100 more for their health insurance under ObamaCare.


$107 Billion Pass-Through Taxes:  President Obama's chief actuary concludes that taxes on medical devices, pharmaceutical companies, and health insurance companies will be passed on to health insurance buyers in the form of higher premiums. 


$569.2 Billion in Higher Taxes


Job Loss:  Almost 90 percent of medical device manufacturers are preparing to cut jobs because of ObamaCare's $20 billion tax on medical devices.


Medicine Cabinet Tax:  ObamaCare increases taxes on aspirin, cough syrup, and other nonprescribed medical withdrawals from HSAs, FSAs, and HRAs and limits tax-free contributions to FSAs. 


Loss of Health Insurance


No More Employer Provided Coverage:  Several large employers are considering dropping health benefits because it is cheaper for them to pay the penalty than it is for them to provide health insurance.


nHealth Cancels Current Policies:  All current customers of nHealth, an insurance company based in Richmond, Virginia, will lose their health insurance because the company can't survive under ObamaCare. 


More Health Care Spending


$115 billion more:  Recently, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) concluded that

ObamaCare will cost $115 billion more than it originally predicted. 


21 percent of GDP:  President Obama's chief actuary says that health care will consume 21 percent of GDP under ObamaCare, which is an increase from 16 percent currently. 


$575 Billion Cut From Seniors Health Care


Medicare Advantage Cuts:  President Obama's chief actuary believes 50 percent of seniors will lose their Medicare Advantage plans because of these cuts.  Seniors will lose benefits and services starting in 2011 as Medicare Advantage plans start to eliminate services because of ObamaCare.   


Seniors' Access to Doctors:  In Texas, 300 doctors have stopped seeing seniors in the last two years.  President Obama's chief actuary believes ObamaCare's Medicare cuts will have the effect of "possibly jeopardizing access to care" and estimates that 15 percent of providers will not make a profit because ObamaCare reduces the reimbursement rate for providers.    


For more information, contact Brian McManus at 202-225-2045