Fact Check and Details About Pelosi's Government-Run Health Care Bill

We will keep you updated with the latest facts and finds about the Democrats' health care bill here. You can find the text and PDF of that bill and other relevant documents here. The most recent finds will be at the top. Here you go:

-- Reading Guide -- Pelosi's Health Care "Reform" Bill

-- Page 183: The Commissioner (i.e. the health insurance czar) can contract with “appropriate entities” to engage in “outreach to specific vulnerable populations” about the new programs in the bill. The bill includes no prohibition on ACORN receiving this funding, meaning that the Administration could consider ACORN an “appropriate entity,” allowing them to receive taxpayer funding for “outreach…” See language:

5 (a) IN GENERAL.—
6 (1) OUTREACH.—The Commissioner shall con7
duct outreach activities consistent with subsection
8 (c), including through use of appropriate entities as
9 described in paragraph (3) of such subsection, to in10
form and educate individuals and employers about
11 the Health Insurance Exchange and Exchange-par12
ticipating health benefits plan options. Such out13
reach shall include outreach specific to vulnerable
14 populations, such as children, individuals with dis15
abilities, individuals with mental illness, and individ16
uals with other cognitive impairments.

-- You can find the CBO score of the Democrats' health care bill here.

-- 10 Facts Every American Should Know About Speaker Pelosi's 1,990 Page Government Takeover of Health Care.

-- Page 1432: States can get funding for liability demonstration projects only if they do not cap damages or attorneys’ fees. See language:

ABILITY LAW.—The contents of an alternative liabil10
ity law are in accordance with this paragraph if—
11 (A) the litigation alternatives contained in
12 the law consist of certificate of merit, early
13 offer, or both; and
14 (B) the law does not limit attorneys’ fees
15 or impose caps on damages.

-- Page 1925: There is funding for sexual predators through the Indian Health Service in the bill. Here is the language:

16 ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary, acting
17 through the Service, shall establish, consistent with section
18 701, in every Service Area, programs involving treatment
19 for—
20 ‘‘(1) victims of sexual abuse who are Indian
21 children or children in an Indian household; and
22 ‘‘(2) perpetrators of child sexual abuse who are
23 Indian or members of an Indian household.

-- Page 122: The federal government and the new insurance czar will be giving us lessons on how to speak in “plain language." See language below:

(C) GUIDANCE.—The Commissioner and
9 the Secretary of Labor shall jointly develop and
10 issue guidance on best practices of plain lan11
guage writing.

-- Page 1255: The health care bill makes veterinary students eligible for federal grant funding, including scholarships and loan forgiveness.  All told, there is $283 million in spending authorized under these sections – meaning we could be spending hundreds of millions to pay for veterinarians while we have a deficit of over $1 trillion.

 -- Notorious late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart at Pelosi's unveiling of the health care bill
h/t Concerned Women for America.

--  Page 1213: There is language in the bill regulating vending machines, to ensure everyone will see nutrition labels on items before purchasing their food. See language here:

‘(viii) VENDING MACHINES.—In the case of an
18 article of food sold from a vending machine that—
19 ‘‘(I) does not permit a prospective pur20
chaser to examine the Nutrition Facts Panel
21 before purchasing the article or does not other22
wise provide visible nutrition information at the
23 point of purchase; and
1 ‘‘(II) is operated by a person who is en2
gaged in the business of owning or operating 20
3 or more vending machines,
4 the vending machine operator shall provide a sign in
5 close proximity to each article of food or the selec6
tion button that includes a clear and conspicuous
7 statement disclosing the number of calories con8
tained in the article.

--  Did you know? The bill also omits language in the discussion draft of H.R. 3200, saying that the bureaucracy established to create minimum benefit standards should “ensure that essential benefits coverage does not lead to rationing of health care.”  In other words, there’s no clear prohibition on the federal government rationing health care.

-- Did you know? The bill reauthorization was stuck on to the back of the health care bill.  This matters to folks who are pro-life because the Democrats have not been able to move this bill for the past three years. This is because there were votes in the Energy and Commerce Committee to add an amendment preventing the Indian Health Service from funding abortions. In other words, it’s another end-run around a vote to ensure federal funds won’t pay for abortion, just as President Obama promised.

 -- Did you know? During the press conference, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer claimed it was an open and transparent process to develop the health care bill. This begs the question, why did they prevent the American people from attending their publicity rally?

-- Did you know? In addition to the major bill, there is a 13-page bill to repeal the sustainable growth rate caps on Medicare spending. This bill will cost more than $200 billion, and is not paid for, which breaks President Obama's promise to Congress.

-- Did you know? The Democrats' health care bill is 1,990 pages long and contatins the word "shall" 3,425 times.

--  Did you know? An organizer that participated in the 9/12 march writes: "When we planned the 9/12 March, we were specifically told that this is the people's property and that we could not legally prohibit anyone from walking where they wanted on the grounds.  We could ask them but if they insisted we had to allow them."

-- Did you know? There were multiple reports from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's press conference on health care this morning of the public being turned away from the event. See one video of this experience: