ObamaCare Flatlines: The Voice of the American People

Polling data since the passage of the Democrats’ government takeover of health care shows what the American people really think about President Obama’s policies.

64%: USA Today/Gallup Poll:USA Today/Gallup poll found 64 percent saying the law will cost the government too much. Also, the poll found that 65 percent said the law will expand government's role in health care too much."  3/30/2010
54%: Rasmussen Poll: “One week after the House of Representatives passed the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats, 54% of the nation's likely voters still favor repealing the new law.”  3/29/2010
56%: CNN Poll:A new CNN poll shows that a majority of Americans, 56 percent, disapprove of the new health care law while 42 percent approve. Also, 53 percent of those polled were either displeased or angry at the passage of the bill, while only 45 percent were enthusiastic or pleased.”  3/30/2010
54%: Mason- Dixon Poll: “Miami Herald: Florida voters dislike the new healthcare law so much that President Barack Obama and the state's top Democrat, U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, are paying a hefty political price, according to a new survey and analysis by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research. Only 34 percent of Florida voters support the new law while 54 percent are against it, according to the poll. Opposition is significantly strong among two crucial blocs: those older than 65 and voters with no party affiliation. Seniors disfavor the bill by a 65-25 percent margin, while independents oppose the law 62 -34.”  3/27/2010

50%: The Washington Post Poll: “Overall, 46 percent of those polled said they support the changes in the new law; 50 percent oppose them. That is virtually identical to the pre-vote split on the proposals and similar to the divide that has existed   since last summer, when the country became sharply polarized over the president's most ambitious domestic initiative.”  3/28/2010

NOTE: To see yesterday’s ObamaCare Flatlines on layoffs and jobs losses, please click here.