Pence Hails CBO Report on Republican Health Care Bill

Pence Hails CBO Report on Republican Health Care Bill

NOVEMBER 4, 2009

“The House Republican health care plan proves that we can lower health care costs, without launching a government takeover of health care.”

Washington, DC
 - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, released the following statement today after the Congressional Budget Office reported that the House Republican health care plan will reduce health care premiums by up to 10 percent and lower federal budget deficits by $68 billion over the next ten years:


"Across the country the American people are calling on Washington to pass responsible reform that will lower health care costs.  Yesterday, House Republicans answered that call by putting forward common-sense health care legislation that reduces the deficit, lowers premiums, and ensures coverage for those with pre-existing conditions.  As a result of the House Republican bill, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office now confirms that families will see their health care premiums reduced by up to 10 percent and hard-working taxpayers can expect deficits to decrease by $68 billion over the next decade.

"The House Republican health care bill proves that we can lower health care costs, without launching a government takeover of health care.  The Pelosi plan for more spending, higher taxes, bloated bureaucracies and federal mandates is not the prescription for health care reform that the American people expect.  House Republicans will continue to stand in opposition to the Pelosi government takeover of health care, and stand in support of real reform that lowers health care costs for our families and small businesses." 




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The House Republican Conference Press Office at (202) 226-9000 or
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