GOP Health Care Talking Points

GOP Health Care Talking Points

MAY 11, 2009
  • As the American people struggle to make ends meet, too many also live with the challenge of affording basic health care for themselves and their families.  Any time a child or a parent goes without the care they need, it is a personal crisis for that family.
  • Republicans want to make quality health care coverage affordable and accessible for every American, and let those who like their current health care coverage to keep it. Republicans support health care reform that puts patients and their health first, and protects the important doctor-patient relationship.
  • Democrats are pushing for a government takeover of health care that would have devastating consequences for families and small businesses.  A government takeover of health care will raise taxes, ration care, and let government bureaucrats make decisions that should be made by families and their doctors.
  • Republicans want to empower doctors and patients by making health care more affordable, more accessible, and more accountable.  The American people deserve the peace of mind that comes with knowing they have the health care their families need, when they need it.  
  • The Democrats' government-takeover of health care will deny access to medical care and life-saving treatments. More than 100 million Americans would lose their current health care under the Democrats' government-run plan.
  • Government mandates in health care already encourage waste, fraud and abuse that result in higher costs and more families without care. 
  • We cannot allow politicians and special interests to stand between patients and the care they need. The American people deserve the freedom to choose the health care that is best for their families.