GOP Talkers on Democrats' Runaway Spending

GOP Talkers on Democrats' Runaway Spending

JUNE 17, 2009


  • This is not about process; this is about runaway federal spending.
  • Here are the facts on spending from this year:
  • $2 Trillion deficit for FY09
  • Omnibus (HR 1105) - $409 billion
  • Stimulus (H.R. 1) - $787 billion (over $1 Trillion with debt costs)
  • Second tranche of TARP allowed to be spent - $350 billion
  • Now, Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations bill - 11.7% increase to $64.31 billion
  • President Obama's budget increased total spending to $4 trillion in 2009-or 28 percent of GDP-the highest Federal spending as a percentage of GDP since World War II
  • Federal spending is out of control.
  • Republicans offered 94 amendments, most of which were designed to cut federal spending.
  • After 30 minutes of debate on the first amendment, Democrats cut-off debate.
  • The Democrats believed that Republican amendments to cut runaway federal spending would take too much time.
  • Apparently the Democrats can't spend your money fast enough.
  • Republicans believe Congress has the time to practice fiscal discipline.
  • Republicans are going to stand up for the American people and fight runaway federal spending.